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Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited Email Format

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About Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited

1-10 employees View all
46/1 Mile Stone, Northern Bye Pass, Hissar Road,Rohtak,Haryana,IN
Lakshmi Precision Screws Ltd. is a high tensile manufacturing unit which was established in the year 1972. The Company is a pioneer in providing fastening technology globally having Joint Ventures, License Agreements, and Alliances with different fastening companies globally. It is also catering the needs of various sectors such as Wind Energy, Oil & Gas, Locomotives, Automobiles, Agriculture Equipments (Tractors), Machine Building and different Industrial and its sub-con items. The endeavor of the Company is to provide high level customer satisfaction. The Company is one of the largest exporters of fasteners in India. Whereas 35% of the total sales is contributed from the products exported to a range of countries such as The United States of America (USA), Australia, Canada, Denmark, Dubai, France, Germany, Hong-Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Sweden etc. The Company is a partner of the Global Fastener Alliance (GFA).

Frequently Asked Questions about Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited

What is Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited email format?

The widely used Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited email format is {last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 75% adoption across the company.

What is Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited customer service number?

To contact Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited customer service number in your country click here to find.

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