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Staffing and Recruiting
iroots is a recruiting service for new graduates, provided by en-japan inc. It provides you better choices in your first career. Companies are all screened and selected by our unique scheme – the clarity of the company, the working environment, and the amount of the shared value it creates into the society. Indeed, all selected companies are all leading companies in each field. This service is Japanese only and for students in their sophomore or above. It is free of charge for students to use.The more filling in your profiles, the more offers you get.The offers are special and only to iroots members.No matter where you are, you can get offers; Skype interviews are possible.iroots(アイルーツ)は、エン・ジャパンが提供する学生スカウトサイト。どこでも活躍できる人財を目指す方向けに最適なファーストキャリアを提供します。 幼少時代~大学時代までのプロフィールや適性診断の結果に基づき、独自の選抜基準をクリアした厳選企業から非公開・iroots限定のスカウトが届きます。skype面談などのスカウトも順次送られるため、留学中にキャリアを考えるツールとしても最適です。【大学2年生から対象】
Martin Rahbaek Andersen is the CEO of iroots. To contact Martin Rahbaek Andersen email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call +45.51929816
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