About GO Outdoors LTD

Since our humble beginnings, it's our products, services and prices that have kept our customers happy.

We're the only UK outdoor retailer to offer good, better and best choices from a £10 walking shoe to a £900 air tent. It's what our customers expect from an Aladdin's cave of outdoor gear and it's part of what makes us special. From experienced mountaineers to dog walkers and their dogs, everybody's welcome. We care more about those people than ticking boxes and we know it's what keeps them coming back.

Our values aren't just posters on the wall

We welcome everyone with open and enthusiastic arms, helping them to step into the outdoors whether it's to go walking, camping or fishing. Value matters too so we'll keep offering cracking deals and only selling customers what they need. Innovation is who we are. From unique product areas to exclusive brands, we're constantly looking for fresh ideas to keep things fun for our customers.

Our mission is clear:

inspiring everyone to get outdoors for less and love it as much as we do.

Founded to help customers get the most out of the outdoors, it's our name and it's our nature. This hasn't changed a bit and it never will.

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Edinburgh House, Hollinsbrook Way, Pilsworth, Bury, Lancashire BL9 8RR, GB
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Tents, Equestrian, Cycling, Outdoor Clothing, Caravanning, Fishing Equipment, Climbing Equipment, Outdoor Footwear, Camping Equpiment, Skiing Clothing, The Uk's Biggest Outdoor Stores

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Frequently Asked Questions about GO Outdoors LTD

Who is the CEO of GO Outdoors LTD?

Liao Gu Shan is the CEO of GO Outdoors LTD.

Who are the decision makers in GO Outdoors LTD?

The decision makers in GO Outdoors LTD are Alexander M, Carly Czuba, Colin Attwood, etc. Click to Find GO Outdoors LTD decision makers emails.

What types of outdoor products does GO Outdoors offer?

GO Outdoors offers a wide range of outdoor products including tents, outdoor clothing, camping equipment, cycling gear, equestrian supplies, fishing equipment, climbing gear, caravanning essentials, skiing clothing, and outdoor footwear. The company provides a variety of options categorized as good, better, and best, ensuring that customers can find products that fit their needs and budget.

Does GO Outdoors have a price match guarantee?

Yes, GO Outdoors is committed to providing the best prices for outdoor products. They offer a price match guarantee, which means if you find a product cheaper at another UK retailer, they will match that price. This ensures that customers can shop with confidence knowing they are getting the best deal available.

Can I return items purchased from GO Outdoors?

Yes, GO Outdoors has a flexible return policy. Customers can return items within 30 days of purchase for a full refund or exchange, provided the items are in their original condition and packaging. For items purchased online, customers can return them via post or at any GO Outdoors store. Always check the specific return policy details on their website for any exceptions or updates.

Does GO Outdoors offer any loyalty programs or discounts?

GO Outdoors offers a loyalty program called the 'GO Outdoors Membership'. Members can enjoy exclusive discounts, special offers, and early access to sales events. Additionally, members can earn points on their purchases, which can be redeemed for future discounts. Signing up for the membership is free and provides great value for frequent shoppers.

Are there any GO Outdoors stores in my area?

GO Outdoors has numerous stores across the UK, making it easy for customers to find a location nearby. You can use the store locator feature on the GO Outdoors website to enter your postcode or city to find the nearest store, along with its opening hours and contact information.

Does GO Outdoors provide advice or resources for outdoor activities?

Yes, GO Outdoors is dedicated to helping customers make the most of their outdoor adventures. They provide a variety of resources, including buying guides, product reviews, and expert advice on their website. Additionally, their staff in-store are knowledgeable and can offer personalized advice based on your specific outdoor needs and activities.

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