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Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V. Email Format

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About Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V.

1-10 employees View all
The Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V. is one of the most famous tennis clubs in Germany, FedCup venue in 2009 and member of “Leading Tennis Clubs of Germany”. The club, situated in landscaped grounds in the north of Frankfurt offers its international members 17 clay courts outside and 5 indoor carpet courts, team sport competing in every league, from minor to major, youth development programs for every age group and class, exercise machines, fitness-room for work-out courses, as well as sauna facilities, children’s playground and childcare. Beyond that, annual tournaments as the Finanzplatz-Cup and the German final of the KIA Cup are getting organized. National and international co-operations with exclusive tennis clubs do exist as well as with Fitness First, the golf club Winnerod, the International Bankers Forum e.V. and the Wirtschaftsclub Rhein Main e.V.

Frequently Asked Questions about Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V.

What is Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V. email format?

The widely used Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V. email format is {last}{f} (e.g. [email protected]) with 75% adoption across the company.

What is Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V. customer service number?

To contact Frankfurter Tennisclub 1914 Palmengarten e.V. customer service number in your country click here to find.

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