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Brigham Young University - Idaho Email Format

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About Brigham Young University - Idaho

5,001-10,000 employees View all
Higher Education
Rexburg, Idaho, United States
The BYU-Idaho Story begins on a cold November day in 1888, when Latter-day Saint pioneers in the newly settled town of Rexburg gathered for the opening of a new academy. BYU-Idaho has steadily grown since that time to become Idaho's largest private University with a campus that spans 430 acres with over 40 buildings and 34,000 students attending every year. BYU-Idaho seeks to create a wholesome learning environment in which students can strengthen their commitment to their faith and receive a quality education that prepares them for leadership in the home, the community, and the workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions about Brigham Young University - Idaho

What is Brigham Young University - Idaho email format?

The widely used Brigham Young University - Idaho email format is {last}{f} (e.g. [email protected]) with 12.8% adoption across the company.

What is Brigham Young University - Idaho customer service number?

To contact Brigham Young University - Idaho customer service number in your country click here to find.

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