About Box & Charnock Ltd

51-200 employees View all
15 Stephenson Court Priory Business Park,Bedford,Bedfordshire,GB
We have over 40 years’ experience in the MEP industry and are proud to have developed a company with one van and two employees in 1977, into a company that now employs over 200 installers. We recognise that many of our clients prefer both Mechanical and Electrical works to be contained within one contract as they work at similar stages within the build programme and are reliant on each other’s services. We have a growing and well-deserved reputation in our industry. Our success lies in the fact that we have never considered ourselves to be anything other than intrinsic partners to our customers. As directors, we will always provide a courteous, efficient, professional, high quality and friendly service, and we demand the same from every member of staff. No matter whom you deal with at Head Office or working on your site, we expect them to represent our company exactly as we would.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Box & Charnock Ltd

What is Box & Charnock Ltd email format?

The widely used Box & Charnock Ltd email format is {first}.{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 75% adoption across the company.

What is Box & Charnock Ltd customer service number?

To contact Box & Charnock Ltd customer service number in your country click here to find.

Who is the CEO of Box & Charnock Ltd?

Jason Benson is the CEO of Box & Charnock Ltd. To contact Jason Benson email at [email protected].

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