About Peppermint Innovation Limited

11-50 employees View all
Peppermint Innovation Limited is a company focused on the commercialisation of a proprietary Mobile Banking, Payments and Remittance technology, designed for banks, mobile money operators, remittance companies, payment processors, retailers/merchants, credit card companies, and microfinance institutions. The focus of our initial efforts is in the Philippines, a country with a population of circa 100 million people and 105 million mobile phones in use, where over 4 years has been spent developing and integrating the technology which is currently being used by three leading commercial banks. Peppermint aims to leverage a successful commercialisation strategy in the Philippines and build on established relationships in order to develop a commercial presence utilising the Mobile Banking, Payments and Remittance Platform further across Asia and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions about Peppermint Innovation Limited

What is Peppermint Innovation Limited email format?

The widely used Peppermint Innovation Limited email format is {f}{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 75.00% adoption across the company.

What is Peppermint Innovation Limited customer service number?

To contact Peppermint Innovation Limited customer service number in your country click here to find.

Who is the CEO of Peppermint Innovation Limited?

Rosette Carrillo is the CEO of Peppermint Innovation Limited. To contact Rosette Carrillo email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call +63639178262362

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