About Ors Srl, Ors Group GmbH

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Computer Software
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via Morando, 1-3, Roddi, Cuneo 12060, IT
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Founded in Italy, with global operations in Europe and in the USA, ORS GROUP companies offers cross-industry solutions for optimizing and automating business processes using proprietary A.I., Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics algorithms. We are a team of IT-developers, mathematicians, statisticians, economists, econometricians, physicists and specialists in several fields of applied science.

Ors Srl, Ors Group GmbH Alternatives

computer software
Computer Software
computer software
computer software
computer software
computer software
computer software

Frequently Asked Questions about Ors Srl, Ors Group GmbH

Who is the CEO of ORS GROUP?

Peter Scott is the CEO of ORS GROUP. To contact Peter Scott email at [email protected]. Or you may call (08) 9322 7622

Who are the decision makers in ORS GROUP?

The decision makers in ORS GROUP are Marco R Bellinzona, Edwin Durham, George Tyler, etc. Click to Find ORS GROUP decision makers emails.

How can I contact ORS Group for inquiries about their services?

You can reach out to ORS Group through the contact form on their website or by emailing their support team directly. For urgent matters, consider calling their office during business hours to speak with a representative who can assist you.

Is there a staff directory available for ORS Group?

Yes, ORS Group provides a staff directory on their website, showcasing key team members and their roles. This resource is helpful for connecting with the right individuals for specific inquiries related to services, solutions, or partnerships.

What industries does ORS Group support with their solutions?

ORS Group offers solutions across various industries, including manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and finance. Their expertise in AI, machine learning, and big data analytics enables them to tailor solutions that optimize processes and enhance decision-making in these sectors.

Can I schedule a consultation with ORS Group to discuss my business needs?

Absolutely! ORS Group encourages potential clients to schedule consultations. You can request a meeting through their website's contact page, where you can provide details about your business needs and preferred meeting times.

What types of services does ORS Group offer?

ORS Group specializes in data analytics, big data solutions, software development, and operational research. Their services are designed to optimize and automate business processes, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to drive efficiency and improve decision-making.

How does ORS Group ensure the quality of their AI and analytics solutions?

ORS Group employs a rigorous quality assurance process, combining industry best practices with continuous testing and feedback. Their team of IT developers and data scientists collaborates closely to ensure that solutions meet high standards of performance and reliability.

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