About Australia Pacific Training Coalition

The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) is an Australian Government initiative announced at the Pacific Islands Forum in October 2006 and welcomed by Pacific Island leaders.

Established in 2007, APTC was designed as a centre of training excellence, helping Pacific women and men gain Australian-standard skills and qualifications for a wide range of vocational careers throughout the Pacific – careers where skilled employees are in high demand.

APTC is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the Pacific and Timor-Leste. APTC is implemented by TAFE Queensland (RTO 0275).

To date, APTC has over 15,000 graduates from across the Pacific Island Forum nations.

APTC offers a wide range of vocational courses at Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma levels to help Pacific Islanders earn valuable international qualifications and develop their careers in employment categories with high demand for relevant skills.

Courses are delivered by highly experienced, qualified and Australian-certified trainers. Upon successfully completing a course, APTC students enjoy the benefits of an accredited Australian qualification.

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Higher Education
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Ganilau House, Corner of Edward and Scott Street, Suva, FJ
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Technical Vocational Education And Training

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