
Always Be Closing: Preparing For Your First Candidate Call (How We Do It at ContactOut)

The year 2022 marked a new chapter in ContactOut’s story, driven by a strategic vision from our CEO. This...

What Candidates Interviewing In Startups Really Want To Know (Actual Questions Asked By Our Team at ContactOut)

In 2022, ContactOut embarked on an ambitious journey, one that was deeply rooted in our CEO’s vision. This vision,...

6 Candidate Outreach Messages that Don’t Suck (Why It Works and How We Applied It)

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned recruiter, we all have that common challenge:  How do I get a...

How We Craft Our Job Descriptions To Attract Top Talents To Join ContactOut

What do job descriptions (JDs) out there have in common? A LOT. Seriously.  Stare at them for too long,...

How ContactOut Built 3 Pioneer Squads in One Year ft. Our Product Management Team

If you’ve been following this 3-part series, you would know that in 2022, ContactOut was in a hiring surge....

How ContactOut Built 3 Pioneer Squads in One Year ft. Our Product Design Team

In 2022, ContactOut embarked on an ambitious journey to redefine cold outreach. Our CEO envisioned a transformation, leading to...

Scaling our Engineering Team: How ContactOut Built 3 Pioneer Squads in One Year

Embarking on a hiring journey in the tech world, especially remotely, presented a unique set of challenges. Picture this:...