Arun Soni Email & Phone Number

Arun Soni

Managing Director at TCCS Computer Consultancy at TCCS | Chandigarh, India

Arun Soni Socials
About Arun Soni

Arun Soni, the Managing Director of TCCS Computer Consultancy, is a prominent figure in the realm of IT services, particularly in the educational sector. Based in Chandigarh, India, Arun has leveraged his extensive expertise in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence to transform how educational institutions approach technology. Under his leadership, TCCS has successfully implemented cutting-edge IT solutions tailored to the unique needs of schools, colleges, and organizations, enhancing their operational efficiency and security posture.

Arun's commitment to education is evident not only in his consultancy work but also in his prolific writing career. With 182 published books, he has become a trusted resource for educators and students alike, covering essential topics such as information security, ethical hacking, and the implications of AI in modern education. His books, primarily targeted at the K-12 segment and the general public, serve as foundational texts that demystify complex subjects, making them accessible and engaging.

In addition to his writing, Arun conducts workshops on ethical hacking and cybersecurity, empowering educators and students with the knowledge to navigate the digital landscape safely. His skills in cyber defense and cybercrime investigation are invaluable assets, ensuring that TCCS remains at the forefront of cybersecurity trends and practices. With a keen interest in blockchain technology and AI for design, Arun is not only shaping the future of IT services at TCCS but also inspiring the next generation of tech-savvy individuals. His holistic approach to IT consultancy, combined with his passion for education, positions him as a thought leader in the industry, dedicated to fostering a secure and innovative digital environment.

Arun Soni Work
1 experience icon

Managing Director at TCCS Computer Consultancy at TCCS in January 1996 to Present

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Author at Navdeep Publications Pvt. Ltd. in January 1997 to Present

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Author at Taylor & Francis Group in January 2021 to Present

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Arun Soni Education

Panjab University, M.Sc, January 1991 to January 1993

DAV College Chandigarh, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

PGDCA, Post graduate diploma in computer applications

Arun Soni Skills

Technical Proficiency


Microsoft Excel

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About Arun Soni's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Arun Soni

What is Arun Soni email address?

Email Arun Soni at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Arun Soni's email found in 2025.

What is Arun Soni phone number?

Arun Soni phone number is +91-9815204980.

How to contact Arun Soni?

To contact Arun Soni send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Arun Soni try calling on +91-9815204980.

What company does Arun Soni work for?

Arun Soni works for TCCS

What is Arun Soni's role at TCCS?

Arun Soni is Managing Director at TCCS Computer Consultancy

Arun Soni Email Addresses

Email Arun Soni at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Arun Soni's email found in 2025.

Arun Soni Phone Numbers

Arun Soni phone number is +91-9815204980.
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