Al Molinaro Email & Phone Number

Al Molinaro

Legal Analyst at Metropolitan Alliance of Police | Greater Chicago Area

Al Molinaro Socials
About Al Molinaro

Al Molinaro currently serves as a Legal Analyst for the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, where he leverages his extensive experience in public safety and emergency management to provide critical analysis for attorneys and union members. With a robust background that spans over 26 years in the Village of Maywood Fire Department, Al's journey from a probationary firefighter to captain has equipped him with a unique perspective on the intricacies of contract negotiation and labor relations within the public safety sector. His firsthand experience as a union steward and a member of the bargaining committee has honed his skills in strategic planning and negotiation, making him an invaluable asset in the bargaining process.

In his current role, Al is deeply involved in key projects that aim to enhance the working conditions and rights of law enforcement professionals. He provides comprehensive legal analysis that informs contract negotiations, ensuring that the needs and concerns of union members are effectively represented. His expertise in emergency services and public safety allows him to bridge the gap between legal frameworks and the realities faced by first responders, fostering a collaborative environment that prioritizes both legal compliance and the welfare of personnel.

Al's proficiency in tools like Microsoft Excel further supports his analytical capabilities, enabling him to present data-driven insights that bolster negotiation strategies. His commitment to customer service and training within the realm of emergency management underscores his dedication to not only protecting the rights of law enforcement officers but also enhancing their operational effectiveness. Through his work at the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Al Molinaro continues to champion the interests of public safety professionals, ensuring they receive the support and representation they deserve.

Al Molinaro Work
1 experience icon

Legal Analyst at Metropolitan Alliance of Police in April 2018 to Present

2 experience icon

Legal Assistant at Reimer Dobrovolny & Karlson LLC in January 2010 to December 2018

3 experience icon

Legal Assistant at Reimer & Dobrovolny PC in January 2010 to December 2018

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Al Molinaro Education

NIPSTA, Fire Officer

Al Molinaro Skills

Labor Relations


Employee Relations

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Frequently Asked Questions about Al Molinaro

What company does Al Molinaro work for?

Al Molinaro works for Metropolitan Alliance of Police

What is Al Molinaro's role at Metropolitan Alliance of Police?

Al Molinaro is Legal Analyst

What is Al Molinaro's personal email address?

Al Molinaro's personal email address is al****[email protected]

What is Al Molinaro's business email address?

Al Molinaro's business email address is al.molinaro@***.***

What is Al Molinaro's Phone Number?

Al Molinaro's phone (**) *** *** 224

What industry does Al Molinaro work in?

Al Molinaro works in the Law Practice industry.

Al Molinaro Email Addresses

Al Molinaro Phone Numbers

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