Terry Prater Email & Phone Number

Terry Prater

Excitement Prospector at Very Cool Rides | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Terry Prater Socials
About Terry Prater

Terry Prater is a seasoned professional with a remarkable career that spans over six decades, showcasing an impressive blend of project management expertise and a deep-rooted passion for classic and specialty vehicles. Currently serving as the Excitement Prospector at Very Cool Rides, Terry leverages his extensive experience in the automotive industry to provide expert services in buying, selling, and trading a diverse range of vehicles, including classic cars, hot rods, and exotic sports cars. His role is pivotal in connecting clients with their dream rides, ensuring that each transaction is not only seamless but also infused with excitement and enthusiasm.

Throughout his career, Terry has honed his project management skills across various prestigious organizations, including Johnson Controls, Inc., and Integrated Resources Group. His hands-on knowledge of the automotive market, combined with his strategic planning and business development acumen, allows him to navigate the complexities of vehicle transactions with ease. Terry's commitment to customer service and leadership ensures that clients receive personalized attention and expert guidance, making him a trusted partner in the world of vintage vehicles.

Key projects under his belt include the successful launch of multiple automotive exhibitions and trade events that celebrate the culture of classic cars, drawing enthusiasts and collectors from around the globe. Terry's public speaking engagements further amplify his influence in the industry, where he shares insights on market trends and the evolving landscape of classic car ownership. With a wealth of experience and an unwavering passion for automobiles, Terry Prater continues to be a driving force at Very Cool Rides, transforming the way clients experience the thrill of classic car ownership.

Terry Prater Work
1 experience icon

Excitement Prospector at Very Cool Rides in March 2000 to Present

2 experience icon

Fundraising Partner JUST FOR YOU at Self-employed in August 2017 to March 2020

3 experience icon

Fundraising Director at Just For You Fundraising Sales in August 2017 to March 2020

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Terry Prater Education

The University of Texas at Austin, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), January 1965 to January 1967

University of Oregon - Charles H. Lundquist College of Business, Transferred to Univ of Texas, January 1962 to January 1964

Terry Prater Skills



Strategic Planning

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Frequently Asked Questions about Terry Prater

What is Terry Prater phone number?

Terry Prater phone number is 7028088127.

How to contact Terry Prater?

If you want to call Terry Prater try calling on 7028088127.

What company does Terry Prater work for?

Terry Prater works for Very Cool Rides

What is Terry Prater's role at Very Cool Rides?

Terry Prater is Excitement Prospector

What is Terry Prater's personal email address?

Terry Prater's personal email address is te****[email protected]

What is Terry Prater's business email address?

Terry Prater's business email address is terry.prater@***.***

What industry does Terry Prater work in?

Terry Prater works in the Management Consulting industry.

Terry Prater Email Addresses

Terry Prater Phone Numbers

Terry Prater phone number is 7028088127.
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