Tasha Maile Email & Phone Number

Tasha Maile

Insomnia curest at - | Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Tasha Maile Socials
About Tasha Maile

Tasha Maile is a dedicated transformational life coach specializing in holistic approaches to insomnia relief. With a profound passion for empowering individuals to reclaim their lives, Tasha has turned her own experiences of feeling like a victim into a powerful mission: to help others regain control over their sleep and overall well-being. Currently, she focuses on guiding clients through personalized coaching sessions that address the root causes of insomnia, utilizing a blend of practical strategies and emotional support.

In her role as an insomnia cure specialist, Tasha leads key projects that include workshops and online courses designed to educate individuals about the importance of sleep hygiene, mindfulness practices, and nutritional choices, particularly the benefits of a raw vegan lifestyle. Her expertise in holistic life coaching allows her to tailor her approach to each client’s unique needs, fostering self-confidence and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. By integrating techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia, mindfulness meditation, and nutritional counseling, Tasha empowers her clients to not only overcome sleepless nights but also to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and control.

Tasha’s commitment to helping others succeed is evident in her ability to create a supportive community where individuals can share their struggles and triumphs. Through her compassionate guidance, she inspires her clients to transform their lives, turning what was once a debilitating condition into a pathway for personal growth and empowerment. With Tasha Maile as a coach, clients are not just seeking a cure for insomnia; they are embarking on a journey towards holistic wellness and self-discovery.

Tasha Maile Work
1 experience icon

Insomnia curest at - in October 2013 to Present

Tasha Maile Education

University of Life, Masters Degree, Life, February 1990 to February 2025

Tasha Maile Skills

Passion for Helping Others

Helping Others Succeed

Helping Clients

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About Tasha Maile's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Tasha Maile

What is Tasha Maile email address?

Email Tasha Maile at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Tasha Maile's email found in 2025.

How to contact Tasha Maile?

To contact Tasha Maile send an email at [email protected].

What company does Tasha Maile work for?

Tasha Maile works for -

What is Tasha Maile's role at -?

Tasha Maile is Insomnia curest

What is Tasha Maile's Phone Number?

Tasha Maile's phone (801) ***-*174

What industry does Tasha Maile work in?

Tasha Maile works in the Health, Wellness and Fitness industry.

Tasha Maile Email Addresses

Email Tasha Maile at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Tasha Maile's email found in 2025.

Tasha Maile Phone Numbers

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