Sol Lakein Email & Phone Number

Sol Lakein

Chief Brand Officer at King of Christmas | Miami Beach, Florida, United States

Sol Lakein Socials
About Sol Lakein

As the Chief Brand Officer at King of Christmas, Sol Lakein leverages his extensive background in eCommerce and direct-to-consumer brands to drive the company’s strategic vision and operational excellence. With a strong foundation in investment banking and financial analysis, Sol adeptly navigates the complexities of retail sales and new business development, ensuring that King of Christmas remains a leader in the competitive online holiday market. His expertise in operations management allows him to streamline processes and enhance customer experience, positioning the brand as a go-to destination for high-quality artificial Christmas trees, wreaths, and garlands.

Currently, Sol is spearheading several key projects aimed at expanding King of Christmas's market presence and enhancing its digital footprint. By implementing innovative marketing strategies and leveraging social media platforms, he is not only increasing brand awareness but also fostering a community of loyal customers who share a passion for the holiday spirit. His leadership skills are evident in his ability to manage cross-functional teams, driving collaboration and creativity to deliver exceptional products that resonate with consumers.

In addition to his operational and marketing prowess, Sol is committed to public speaking engagements where he shares insights on the evolving landscape of eCommerce and the importance of strategic planning in retail. His multifaceted skill set, combined with a deep understanding of consumer behavior, positions him as a thought leader in the industry, continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of online retail. With Sol at the helm, King of Christmas is poised for continued growth and innovation, making the holiday season brighter for families across the nation.

Sol Lakein Work
1 experience icon

Chief Brand Officer at King of Christmas in August 2018 to Present

2 experience icon

Chief Brand Officer at King Of Christmas in August 2018 to Present

3 experience icon

Chief Operating Officer at King of Christmas in August 2018 to Present

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Sol Lakein Skills


Investment Banking

Financial Analysis

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sol Lakein

What is Sol Lakein email address?

Email Sol Lakein at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sol Lakein's email found in 2025.

What is Sol Lakein phone number?

Sol Lakein phone number is +1.7187737634.

How to contact Sol Lakein?

To contact Sol Lakein send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Sol Lakein try calling on +1.7187737634.

What company does Sol Lakein work for?

Sol Lakein works for King of Christmas

What is Sol Lakein's role at King of Christmas?

Sol Lakein is Chief Brand Officer

What industry does Sol Lakein work in?

Sol Lakein works in the Luxury Goods & Jewelry industry.

Sol Lakein Email Addresses

Email Sol Lakein at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sol Lakein's email found in 2025.

Sol Lakein Phone Numbers

Sol Lakein phone number is +1.7187737634.
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