Sloan Harris Email & Phone Number

Sloan Harris

Principal at VLK Architects, Inc. | Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Sloan Harris Socials
About Sloan Harris

Sloan Harris serves as a Principal at VLK Architects, Inc., where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the firm’s strategic vision and operational excellence. With a robust background in business development and client relations, Sloan is instrumental in driving the firm’s growth initiatives while ensuring the highest standards of quality control across all projects. His expertise spans a diverse range of market sectors, including commercial and institutional projects, with a particular focus on corporate interiors, mixed-use developments, automotive facilities, and educational environments for K-12 and higher education.

In his capacity as Project Director, Sloan manages all phases of project execution, from initial client acquisition and retention to the final delivery of architectural solutions. His adeptness in utilizing tools such as SketchUp and CAD allows him to oversee the creation of detailed architectural drawings and innovative designs that meet the unique needs of each client. Sloan’s leadership extends beyond project management; he collaborates closely with other Principals to define the firm’s direction and foster a culture of innovation within the organization.

Sloan’s commitment to excellence is evident in his ability to drive innovation strategies that enhance project outcomes and client satisfaction. His organizational skills and attention to detail ensure that every project not only meets but exceeds client expectations. As a market sector leader, he is dedicated to advancing VLK Architects’ brand and reputation, positioning the firm as a trusted partner in delivering exceptional architectural solutions that resonate with clients and communities alike.

Sloan Harris Work
1 experience icon

Principal at VLK Architects, Inc. in March 2003 to Present

2 experience icon

Architectural Intern at Chris Consultants, Inc. in March 2002 to March 2003

Frequently Asked Questions about Sloan Harris

What is Sloan Harris email address?

Email Sloan Harris at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sloan Harris's email found in 2025.

How to contact Sloan Harris?

To contact Sloan Harris send an email to [email protected].

What company does Sloan Harris work for?

Sloan Harris works for VLK Architects, Inc.

What is Sloan Harris's role at VLK Architects, Inc.?

Sloan Harris is Principal

What is Sloan Harris's Phone Number?

Sloan Harris's phone (214) ***-*331

What industry does Sloan Harris work in?

Sloan Harris works in the Architecture & Planning industry.

Sloan Harris Email Addresses

Email Sloan Harris at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sloan Harris's email found in 2025.

Sloan Harris Phone Numbers

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