Scott Jasman Email & Phone Number

Scott Jasman

Dispensary Associate at Curaleaf | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Scott Jasman Socials
About Scott Jasman

Scott Jasman is a dedicated Dispensary Associate at Curaleaf, where he leverages his extensive skill set to enhance customer experiences and streamline operations within the cannabis industry. With a strong foundation in team building and management, Scott excels in guiding customers through their cannabis journey, ensuring they receive tailored recommendations that align with their desired experiences or medical needs. His ability to communicate effectively and empathetically allows him to connect with diverse clientele, fostering trust and satisfaction.

In his current role, Scott operates across all dispensary functions, from reception to delivery, showcasing his versatility and commitment to team-oriented service. He plays a pivotal role in maintaining inventory accuracy, managing stock levels, and ensuring that products are properly labeled, which is crucial for compliance and customer safety. His military background instills a strong sense of discipline and punctuality, further enhancing his organizational skills and reliability in a fast-paced environment.

Scott is particularly passionate about professional growth within the cannabis sector. He is eager to transition from entry-level positions to leadership roles, where he can apply his management abilities to inspire and develop his team. By continuously seeking opportunities to learn and improve, Scott is poised to make a significant impact in the industry, driving sales operations and contributing to the overall success of Curaleaf. His commitment to exceptional customer service and team development positions him as a valuable asset in the evolving landscape of cannabis retail.

Scott Jasman Work
1 experience icon

Dispensary Associate at Curaleaf in November 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Mortarman at United States Marine Corps in September 2010 to September 2014

3 experience icon

Janitor at Graphite Machining Inc. in October 2009 to May 2010

Scott Jasman Education

Davison High School, February 2025

Scott Jasman Skills

Team Building

Customer Retention

Brand Marketing

See more

About Scott Jasman's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Scott Jasman

What is Scott Jasman email address?

Email Scott Jasman at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Scott Jasman's email found in 2025.

How to contact Scott Jasman?

To contact Scott Jasman send an email at [email protected].

What company does Scott Jasman work for?

Scott Jasman works for Curaleaf

What is Scott Jasman's role at Curaleaf?

Scott Jasman is Dispensary Associate

What is Scott Jasman's Phone Number?

Scott Jasman's phone (702) ***-*421

What industry does Scott Jasman work in?

Scott Jasman works in the Military industry.

Scott Jasman Email Addresses

Email Scott Jasman at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Scott Jasman's email found in 2025.

Scott Jasman Phone Numbers

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