Richard Baker Email & Phone Number

Richard Baker

President at New England Intellectual Property | West Newbury, Massachusetts, United States

Richard Baker Socials
About Richard Baker

As President of New England Intellectual Property, LLC, Richard Baker stands at the forefront of intellectual property management, leveraging his extensive expertise to guide corporations and inventors through the complexities of patent acquisition and monetization. With a robust background in patent portfolio development and management, Rich has successfully assisted numerous clients in navigating the intricacies of the US Patent and Trademark Office, ensuring their innovations are effectively protected and strategically positioned in the marketplace. His leadership is characterized by a commitment to integrity and cooperation, fostering an environment where creative solutions flourish.

Rich's current projects include spearheading initiatives aimed at enhancing patent prosecution strategies for clients in high-tech and biotech sectors, where the rapid pace of innovation demands agile and informed approaches. His seasoned negotiation skills have proven invaluable in licensing negotiations, where he adeptly balances the interests of inventors and corporations to achieve mutually beneficial agreements. Additionally, Rich is actively involved in advising organizations on competitive analysis and business strategy, helping them to identify and leverage their intellectual property assets for maximum financial return.

With a deep understanding of copyright law and litigation, Rich Baker is not only a trusted advisor but also a strategic partner in the realm of intellectual property. His ability to distill complex legal concepts into actionable strategies empowers clients to make informed decisions, ultimately driving growth and innovation. As he continues to champion the value of intellectual property, Richard Baker remains a pivotal figure in shaping the future landscape of corporate and governmental intellectual asset management.

Richard Baker Work
1 experience icon

Board Member at Town of West Newbury Board of Assessors in May 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Director at National Association of Patent Practitioners (NAPPĀ®) in July 2018 to Present

3 experience icon

Director of Intellectual Property at Bottomline Technologies in November 2018 to Present

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Richard Baker Education

Pierce Law, Intellectual Property, January 2000 to January 2004

Harvard University, Applied Math (Computer Science), January 1982 to January 1984

University of New Hampshire, BS, January 1977 to January 1981

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Richard Baker Skills



Intellectual Property

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Frequently Asked Questions about Richard Baker

What is Richard Baker email address?

Email Richard Baker at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Richard Baker's email found in 2025.

What is Richard Baker phone number?

Richard Baker phone number is +1.9783631700 and +1.9782574101.

How to contact Richard Baker?

To contact Richard Baker send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Richard Baker try calling on +1.9783631700 and +1.9782574101.

What company does Richard Baker work for?

Richard Baker works for New England Intellectual Property

What is Richard Baker's role at New England Intellectual Property?

Richard Baker is President

What industry does Richard Baker work in?

Richard Baker works in the Legal Services industry.

Richard Baker Email Addresses

Email Richard Baker at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Richard Baker's email found in 2025.

Richard Baker Phone Numbers

Richard Baker phone number is +1.9783631700 and +1.9782574101.
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