Radu Petrescu Email & Phone Number

Radu Petrescu

Marine Operations Manager at Bureau Veritas Group | Miami-Fort Lauderdale Area

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About Radu Petrescu

Radu Petrescu serves as the Marine Operations Manager at Bureau Veritas Group, where he leverages over 20 years of extensive experience in the maritime industry to drive operational excellence and ensure compliance with international regulations. His role encompasses overseeing marine operations across the USA, where he leads a dedicated team of 20 marine surveyors and auditors. Radu's leadership is characterized by a strong commitment to decarbonization and sustainability, aligning with the industry's growing focus on environmental stewardship.

In his capacity as a marine technical expert, Radu actively engages in marine surveying and auditing, ensuring that vessels ranging from passenger ships to tankers adhere to stringent safety and regulatory standards, including SOLAS, MARPOL, and ISM. His in-depth knowledge of the passenger ships segment allows him to navigate complex compliance landscapes while enhancing customer satisfaction as the primary point of contact for clients. Radu’s expertise extends to risk assessment and management, where he employs his comprehensive understanding of maritime security and operational safety to mitigate potential hazards.

Key projects under Radu's leadership include the implementation of innovative safety management systems and the integration of ISO 14001, 9001, and 45001 standards into marine operations. His strategic vision and operational acumen not only enhance the efficiency of Bureau Veritas Group's services but also contribute to the broader goal of sustainable maritime practices. Radu Petrescu exemplifies leadership excellence in the maritime sector, championing initiatives that prioritize safety, compliance, and environmental responsibility.

Radu Petrescu Work
1 experience icon

Marine Operations Manager at Bureau Veritas Group in October 2019 to Present

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Senior Maritime Surveyor & Auditor; Deputy Marine Operations Manager at Bureau Veritas Group in August 2013 to October 2019

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Senior Maritime Surveyor & Auditor at DNV Group (Det Norske Veritas) in July 2007 to August 2013

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Radu Petrescu Education

The Wharton School, Leadership and Management Program, January 2021 to January 2022

The Wharton School, Leadership & Management, January 2021 to January 2022

Constanta Maritime University, Master of Engineering - MEng, January 1998 to January 2003

Radu Petrescu Skills

Operations Management

Contract Management

Risk Management

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Frequently Asked Questions about Radu Petrescu

What is Radu Petrescu email address?

Email Radu Petrescu at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Radu Petrescu's email found in 2025.

What is Radu Petrescu phone number?

Radu Petrescu phone number is +19545592014.

How to contact Radu Petrescu?

To contact Radu Petrescu send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Radu Petrescu try calling on +19545592014.

What company does Radu Petrescu work for?

Radu Petrescu works for Bureau Veritas Group

What is Radu Petrescu's role at Bureau Veritas Group?

Radu Petrescu is Marine Operations Manager

What industry does Radu Petrescu work in?

Radu Petrescu works in the Maritime industry.

Radu Petrescu Email Addresses

Email Radu Petrescu at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Radu Petrescu's email found in 2025.

Radu Petrescu Phone Numbers

Radu Petrescu phone number is +19545592014.
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