Peeyush Ranjan Email & Phone Number

Peeyush Ranjan

GM, VP etc at Google | Mountain View, California, United States

Peeyush Ranjan Socials
About Peeyush Ranjan

Peeyush Ranjan is a seasoned leader at Google, currently serving as the General Manager and Vice President, where he spearheads initiatives for Google Pay and the Next Billion Users program. His expertise lies at the intersection of fintech, mobile technology, and e-commerce, particularly in emerging markets, where he drives innovative strategies to enhance user engagement and financial inclusion. Under his leadership, Google Pay has evolved into a robust platform that not only facilitates seamless transactions but also empowers users with financial literacy and access to essential services.

Ranjan's extensive background includes pivotal roles in developing Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and enhancing the Android ecosystem, notably with the successful launch of the Moto G and Moto E series at Motorola. His experience spans across various Google products, including YouTube, G Suite, and Google Search, where he has consistently demonstrated his prowess in product strategy, planning, and management. His technical acumen in software engineering and cloud computing, combined with his agile project management skills, enables him to lead cross-functional teams effectively and deliver high-impact projects.

With a keen focus on product innovation and user-centric design, Ranjan is dedicated to creating solutions that resonate with diverse audiences, particularly in fast-growing markets. His commitment to leveraging technology for social good is evident in his work with the Next Billion Users initiative, where he aims to bridge the digital divide and empower underserved communities. As a thought leader in the fintech space, Peeyush Ranjan continues to shape the future of digital payments and mobile commerce, driving transformative change across the industry.

Peeyush Ranjan Work
1 experience icon

GM, VP etc at Google in June 2006 to Present

2 experience icon

VP Engineering etc at Google in June 2006 to Present

3 experience icon

VP Engineering at Google in September 2017 to Present

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Peeyush Ranjan Education

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, B.Tech., January 1991 to January 1995

Purdue University, MS, January 1995 to January 1996

University of Washington, MBA, January 2004 to January 2006

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Peeyush Ranjan Skills

Product Development

Product Strategy

Product Planning

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About Peeyush Ranjan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Peeyush Ranjan

What is Peeyush Ranjan email address?

Email Peeyush Ranjan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Peeyush Ranjan's email found in 2025.

How to contact Peeyush Ranjan?

To contact Peeyush Ranjan send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Peeyush Ranjan work for?

Peeyush Ranjan works for Google

What is Peeyush Ranjan's role at Google?

Peeyush Ranjan is GM, VP etc

What is Peeyush Ranjan's Phone Number?

Peeyush Ranjan's phone (213) ***-*128

What industry does Peeyush Ranjan work in?

Peeyush Ranjan works in the Computer Software industry.

Peeyush Ranjan Email Addresses

Email Peeyush Ranjan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Peeyush Ranjan's email found in 2025.

Peeyush Ranjan Phone Numbers

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