Morgan Cohen Email & Phone Number

Morgan Cohen

Owner, Manager, Home Inspector at MKC Associates Home Inspection | Watertown, Massachusetts, United States

Morgan Cohen Socials
About Morgan Cohen

Morgan Cohen is a seasoned professional building consultant and the driving force behind MKC Associates Home Inspection, a premier home inspection company serving the greater Boston area. With a wealth of experience in both residential and commercial property inspections, Morgan has established a reputation for delivering comprehensive evaluations that empower clients to make informed real estate decisions. His expertise spans a diverse range of properties, from historic homes dating back over 300 years to modern commercial buildings, showcasing his adaptability and deep understanding of various construction styles and materials.

As the owner and manager of MKC Associates, Morgan leads a dedicated team of inspectors who share his commitment to excellence. Key projects include detailed pre-purchase inspections for home buyers, thorough evaluations for sellers preparing their properties for market, and condition assessments for investors and developers looking to maximize their investment potential. Morgan’s proficiency in dispute resolution further enhances his value to clients, as he adeptly navigates complex issues that may arise during real estate transactions.

His skill set encompasses a broad array of specialties, including FHA inspections, vacation home evaluations, and assessments tailored to the unique needs of single-family homes and multi-unit properties. Morgan’s holistic approach ensures that every inspection is not just a checklist, but a comprehensive analysis that highlights potential concerns and opportunities for improvement. By combining his extensive knowledge of construction with a keen eye for detail, Morgan Cohen continues to set the standard for home inspection services in the Boston area, making him a trusted partner for buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals alike.

Morgan Cohen Work
1 experience icon

Owner, Manager, Home Inspector at MKC Associates Home Inspection in July 2006 to Present

2 experience icon

Owner at NE Accurate Home Inspection in March 2005 to July 2006

3 experience icon

Carpenter at Morgan Cohen Carpentry in January 2000 to March 2005

Morgan Cohen Skills

Home Inspections

Radon Testing

Pest Inspection

See more

Frequently Asked Questions about Morgan Cohen

What is Morgan Cohen email address?

Email Morgan Cohen at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Morgan Cohen's email found in 2025.

What is Morgan Cohen phone number?

Morgan Cohen phone number is (617) 304-4411.

How to contact Morgan Cohen?

To contact Morgan Cohen send an email at [email protected] you want to call Morgan Cohen try calling on (617) 304-4411.

What company does Morgan Cohen work for?

Morgan Cohen works for MKC Associates Home Inspection

What is Morgan Cohen's role at MKC Associates Home Inspection?

Morgan Cohen is Owner, Manager, Home Inspector

What industry does Morgan Cohen work in?

Morgan Cohen works in the Construction industry.

Morgan Cohen Email Addresses

Email Morgan Cohen at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Morgan Cohen's email found in 2025.

Morgan Cohen Phone Numbers

Morgan Cohen phone number is (617) 304-4411.
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