Mitch Yokoyama Email & Phone Number

Mitch Yokoyama

Housekeeping Manager at Hilton Grand Vacations | Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Mitch Yokoyama Socials
About Mitch Yokoyama

Mitch Yokoyama serves as the Housekeeping Manager at Hokulani Waikiki by Hilton Grand Vacations, where he leverages his extensive experience in hospitality management to lead a dynamic team of 50 to 100 staff members. With a proven track record in both single and multi-property management, Mitch has adeptly navigated the complexities of overseeing multimillion-dollar budgets while ensuring exceptional service delivery. His leadership has been instrumental in elevating the property’s AAA status from 3 Diamonds to 4 Diamonds, a testament to his commitment to excellence in housekeeping operations.

Under Mitch's guidance, Hokulani Waikiki has consistently maintained its Gold Crown Award status for over a decade, reflecting his dedication to customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. His team has garnered multiple accolades, including the prestigious 2023 HGV Award of Excellence and the 2023 Front Office Team of the Year, showcasing their commitment to providing outstanding guest experiences. Additionally, the property has been recognized with the 2024 AAA 4 Diamond Award and the 2023-2024 Hawaii Green Business Award, highlighting Mitch's focus on sustainable practices within the hospitality industry.

Mitch's expertise extends beyond housekeeping; he is well-versed in resort operations, customer service, and management strategies that enhance overall guest satisfaction. His proficiency with tools like Birchstreet for budgeting and inventory management further underscores his capability to drive operational success. As a leader who values teamwork and innovation, Mitch Yokoyama continues to set high standards in the hospitality sector, ensuring that Hokulani Waikiki remains a top choice for families seeking spacious and memorable vacation experiences.

Mitch Yokoyama Work
1 experience icon

General Manager at Outrigger Hospitality Group in April 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Interim General Manager at Outrigger Hospitality Group in September 2021 to April 2022

3 experience icon

Assistant General Manager at Outrigger Hospitality Group in December 2016 to September 2021

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Mitch Yokoyama Education

Santa Monica College, Psychology, January 1997 to January 2000

Mira Costa High School, January 1993 to January 1997

Mitch Yokoyama Skills



Hotel Management

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About Mitch Yokoyama's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Mitch Yokoyama

What company does Mitch Yokoyama work for?

Mitch Yokoyama works for Hilton Grand Vacations

What is Mitch Yokoyama's role at Hilton Grand Vacations?

Mitch Yokoyama is Housekeeping Manager

What is Mitch Yokoyama's personal email address?

Mitch Yokoyama's personal email address is mi****[email protected]

What is Mitch Yokoyama's business email address?

Mitch Yokoyama's business email address is y****[email protected]

What is Mitch Yokoyama's Phone Number?

Mitch Yokoyama's phone (808) ***-*396

What industry does Mitch Yokoyama work in?

Mitch Yokoyama works in the Hospitality industry.

Mitch Yokoyama Email Addresses

Mitch Yokoyama Phone Numbers

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