Mike Yeh Email & Phone Number

Mike Yeh

Senior Design Engineering Manager at Microchip Technology | San Jose, California, United States

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About Mike Yeh

As a Senior Design Engineering Manager at Microchip Technology, Mike Yeh brings over 25 years of extensive experience in the semiconductor industry, specializing in analog and mixed-signal circuit design. His leadership is pivotal in overseeing a diverse, multinational team of design engineers located in both the US and Asia. Together, they are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge products, including Ultrasound ICs, SiC Drivers, LED Driver ICs, HV opamp ICs, PMICs, and HV Driver ICs. These innovations cater to a wide array of markets, including consumer electronics, automotive applications, and industrial systems, demonstrating Mike's commitment to delivering smart, connected, and secure embedded control solutions.

Mike's expertise in integrated circuit (IC) design, particularly in VLSI and CMOS technologies, allows him to navigate complex hardware architectures and drive product development from concept to production. His proficiency in tools such as Cadence Virtuoso and SPICE enables his team to conduct thorough failure analysis and optimize designs for performance and reliability. Furthermore, Mike is dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that emphasizes team management and recruitment, ensuring that his team is equipped with the skills necessary to tackle the challenges of an ever-evolving industry.

Under Mike's leadership, Microchip Technology continues to push the boundaries of innovation, leveraging his deep understanding of silicon technologies and FPGA design to create solutions that meet the demands of modern applications. His mission is to empower his team to excel in their roles while driving the company's vision of advancing technology for a smarter future.

Mike Yeh Work
1 experience icon

Senior Design Engineering Manager at Microchip Technology in April 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Design Engineering Manager at Supertex in January 1999 to April 2014

Mike Yeh Education

Carnegie Mellon University, MSEE, Electrical and Computer Engineering, February 1998

Carnegie Mellon University, BSEE, ECE, February 1994 to February 1998

Mike Yeh Skills


Mixed Signal


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About Mike Yeh's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Mike Yeh

What is Mike Yeh email address?

Email Mike Yeh at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mike Yeh's email found in 2025.

How to contact Mike Yeh?

To contact Mike Yeh send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Mike Yeh work for?

Mike Yeh works for Microchip Technology

What is Mike Yeh's role at Microchip Technology?

Mike Yeh is Senior Design Engineering Manager

What is Mike Yeh's Phone Number?

Mike Yeh's phone (213) ***-*382

What industry does Mike Yeh work in?

Mike Yeh works in the Semiconductors industry.

Mike Yeh Email Addresses

Email Mike Yeh at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mike Yeh's email found in 2025.

Mike Yeh Phone Numbers

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