Mike Purcell Email & Phone Number

Mike Purcell

VP, Sales & Marketing at LTI, Inc. | New York City Metropolitan Area

Mike Purcell Socials
About Mike Purcell

Mike Purcell, as the Vice President of Sales & Marketing at LTI, Inc., brings a wealth of experience and a deep-rooted passion for the foodservice industry that spans over four decades. His journey began at a young age in his grandmother's Catskill Mountain boarding house, where he honed his skills in various roles, from toast chef to waiter. This early exposure instilled in him a profound understanding of the intricacies of foodservice operations, which he has leveraged throughout his career.

Since joining LTI in 1996, Mike has cultivated a strong relationship with the company, culminating in his current leadership role since 2010. Under his guidance, the Sales team is dedicated to driving revenue growth by delivering high-quality foodservice equipment paired with exceptional customer service. Mike excels in strategic planning and competitive analysis, ensuring that LTI remains at the forefront of the industry by innovating product development to meet evolving market demands.

Key projects under his leadership include collaborations with specifiers to design optimal foodservice solutions that enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. His expertise in budgeting and P&L management has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of the food and beverage sector, allowing LTI to maintain a robust financial performance. Mike's commitment to team building fosters a collaborative environment that empowers his sales team to excel, ultimately contributing to LTI's reputation as a leader in foodservice equipment. With his extensive background and strategic vision, Mike Purcell continues to shape the future of foodservice at LTI, Inc.

Mike Purcell Work
1 experience icon

VP, Sales & Marketing at LTI, Inc. in June 2011 to Present

2 experience icon

President at Multiteria in March 2007 to June 2011

3 experience icon

Principal at Purcell & Madden, Inc in January 1992 to January 2004

Mike Purcell Education

Southern Connecticut State University, BS, January 1980 to January 1983

Southern Connecticut State University, Bachelor's degree

Mike Purcell Skills


Strategic Planning

Income Statement

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About Mike Purcell's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Mike Purcell

What is Mike Purcell email address?

Email Mike Purcell at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mike Purcell's email found in 2025.

How to contact Mike Purcell?

To contact Mike Purcell send an email at [email protected].

What company does Mike Purcell work for?

Mike Purcell works for LTI, Inc.

What is Mike Purcell's role at LTI, Inc.?

Mike Purcell is VP, Sales & Marketing

What is Mike Purcell's Phone Number?

Mike Purcell's phone (212) ***-*397

What industry does Mike Purcell work in?

Mike Purcell works in the Food & Beverages industry.

Mike Purcell Email Addresses

Email Mike Purcell at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mike Purcell's email found in 2025.

Mike Purcell Phone Numbers

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