Michael McEnany Email & Phone Number

Michael McEnany

Vice President - Small Business Loan Manager at Commerce Bank | Lees Summit, Missouri, United States

Michael McEnany Socials
About Michael McEnany

Michael McEnany currently serves as the Vice President and Small Business Loan Manager at Commerce Bank, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the bank's approach to small business lending across six major markets. His expertise lies in the development and implementation of a centralized credit department, which streamlines processes and enhances efficiency in managing small business credit and sales. Michael's strategic planning acumen is evident in his ability to craft comprehensive credit policies and loan product positioning that align with market demands and customer needs.

In his role, Michael is not only responsible for overseeing the credit and sales processes but also for driving business growth through innovative marketing strategies and incentive programs. He is adept at designing and executing sales contests that motivate his team and foster a competitive spirit, ultimately leading to increased loan origination and customer satisfaction. His commitment to maintaining high asset quality is underscored by his leadership in developing robust credit policies and procedures that mitigate risk while supporting small business clients.

Michael's extensive experience in sales management and relationship marketing has positioned him as a thought leader in the financial services industry. He has been a sought-after speaker at various industry conferences, where he shares insights on best practices in business development and customer service. With a strong foundation in process management and a passion for empowering small businesses, Michael McEnany continues to drive impactful change at Commerce Bank, ensuring that the institution remains a trusted partner for entrepreneurs seeking financial solutions.

Michael McEnany Work
1 experience icon

Vice President - Small Business Loan Manager at Commerce Bank in May 1999 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President at Bank of America in January 1989 to May 1999

Michael McEnany Education

University of Missouri-Kansas City, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Finance, February 1991 to February 1993

Missouri State University, Bachelor's degree, Marketing

Michael McEnany Skills

Sales Management

Commercial and Small Business Lending

Relationship Marketing

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About Michael McEnany's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael McEnany

What is Michael McEnany email address?

Email Michael McEnany at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Michael McEnany's email found in 2025.

What is Michael McEnany phone number?

Michael McEnany phone number is 8165225512.

How to contact Michael McEnany?

To contact Michael McEnany send an email at [email protected] you want to call Michael McEnany try calling on 8165225512.

What company does Michael McEnany work for?

Michael McEnany works for Commerce Bank

What is Michael McEnany's role at Commerce Bank?

Michael McEnany is Vice President - Small Business Loan Manager

What industry does Michael McEnany work in?

Michael McEnany works in the Banking industry.

Michael McEnany Email Addresses

Email Michael McEnany at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Michael McEnany's email found in 2025.

Michael McEnany Phone Numbers

Michael McEnany phone number is 8165225512.
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