Laurens Oude Elberink Email & Phone Number

Laurens Oude Elberink

Directeur | Eigenaar content marketingbureau, expert in magazines & websites at Geen Blad voor de Mond | Greater Enschede Area

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About Laurens Oude Elberink

Laurens Oude Elberink is a seasoned expert in the realm of content marketing, serving as the Directeur and Eigenaar of Geen Blad voor de Mond since its inception in 2008. Under his leadership, the agency has flourished into a prominent content marketing bureau, boasting a dedicated team of 12 professionals who excel in crafting personalized media solutions. Laurens's expertise lies in the intricate art of storytelling, where he believes that every organization has a unique narrative waiting to be told. This philosophy drives the agency's mission to create compelling content that resonates with audiences across various platforms.

At Geen Blad voor de Mond, Laurens has spearheaded numerous key projects, including the development of tailored magazines, client newsletters, and corporate publications that not only inform but also engage and inspire. His extensive experience in both online and offline media allows him to implement integrated marketing strategies that effectively bridge the gap between traditional publishing and modern digital marketing. With a strong focus on B2B communications, Laurens has honed his skills in online advertising, social media engagement, and account management, ensuring that each project aligns with the client's objectives and brand identity.

Laurens's commitment to excellence in publishing and marketing strategy has positioned Geen Blad voor de Mond as one of the leading magazine creators in the Netherlands. His passion for delivering high-quality content is evident in every project, whether it’s a personnel magazine, a client publication, or a celebratory anniversary edition. For those looking to elevate their content marketing efforts, Laurens is always open to discussions, ready to share insights and explore new opportunities for collaboration.

Laurens Oude Elberink Work
1 experience icon

Directeur | Eigenaar content marketingbureau, expert in magazines & websites at Geen Blad voor de Mond in October 2008 to Present

2 experience icon

JCI Oldenzaal at JCI The Netherlands in July 2009 to March 2021

3 experience icon

Eigenaar at Adapt Media & Communicatie BV in August 2014 to August 2014

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Laurens Oude Elberink Education

Radboud University Nijmegen, Business Science

Laurens Oude Elberink Skills

Online Advertising

Social Media


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About Laurens Oude Elberink's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Laurens Oude Elberink

What is Laurens Oude Elberink email address?

Email Laurens Oude Elberink at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Laurens Oude Elberink's email found in 2025.

What is Laurens Oude Elberink phone number?

Laurens Oude Elberink phone number is 0614676514 and +31.534609002.

How to contact Laurens Oude Elberink?

To contact Laurens Oude Elberink send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Laurens Oude Elberink try calling on 0614676514 and +31.534609002.

What company does Laurens Oude Elberink work for?

Laurens Oude Elberink works for Geen Blad voor de Mond

What is Laurens Oude Elberink's role at Geen Blad voor de Mond?

Laurens Oude Elberink is Directeur | Eigenaar content marketingbureau, expert in magazines & websites

What industry does Laurens Oude Elberink work in?

Laurens Oude Elberink works in the Media Production industry.

Laurens Oude Elberink Email Addresses

Email Laurens Oude Elberink at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Laurens Oude Elberink's email found in 2025.

Laurens Oude Elberink Phone Numbers

Laurens Oude Elberink phone number is 0614676514 and +31.534609002.
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