Laura Stratton Email & Phone Number

Laura Stratton

Director - Payroll at Verizon | Basking Ridge, New Jersey, United States

Laura Stratton Socials
About Laura Stratton

As the Director of Payroll at Verizon, Laura Stratton plays a pivotal role in overseeing the global payroll operations that ensure timely and accurate compensation for employees across diverse geographies. With her extensive expertise in global payroll management and a strong foundation in techno-functional collaboration, Laura leads a talented team of payroll professionals dedicated to maintaining compliance and enhancing the employee experience. Her strategic vision is complemented by her adeptness in vendor management, where she cultivates partnerships with third-party service providers to optimize payroll processes and drive efficiency.

Laura is currently spearheading several key projects aimed at process improvement and the integration of advanced HRIS solutions, which are essential for streamlining payroll operations. Her commitment to leveraging technology aligns with Verizon's broader digital transformation initiatives, ensuring that payroll systems are not only efficient but also scalable to meet the evolving needs of the organization. With a keen eye for business analysis, Laura identifies opportunities for continuous improvement, implementing best practices that enhance operational effectiveness and reduce costs.

In addition to her technical acumen, Laura's leadership style fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation within her team. She prioritizes professional development, empowering her team members to excel in their roles while also contributing to Verizon's overall strategic goals. By effectively managing expense and capital budgets, Laura ensures that payroll operations are aligned with the company's financial objectives, further solidifying her position as a key player in Verizon's success. Her multifaceted skill set, which includes a deep understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and business process improvement, positions her as a forward-thinking leader in the payroll domain.

Laura Stratton Work
1 experience icon

Director - Payroll at Verizon in February 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Director - Corporate Systems Group - Technical Project Management at Verizon in March 2019 to March 2022

3 experience icon

Sr Manager - IT Project Management at Verizon in February 2018 to March 2019

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Laura Stratton Skills

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Project Execution

Vendor Management

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About Laura Stratton's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Laura Stratton

What is Laura Stratton email address?

Email Laura Stratton at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Laura Stratton's email found in 2025.

What is Laura Stratton phone number?

Laura Stratton phone number is 7323224733.

How to contact Laura Stratton?

To contact Laura Stratton send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Laura Stratton try calling on 7323224733.

What company does Laura Stratton work for?

Laura Stratton works for Verizon

What is Laura Stratton's role at Verizon?

Laura Stratton is Director - Payroll

What industry does Laura Stratton work in?

Laura Stratton works in the Information Technology & Services industry.

Laura Stratton Email Addresses

Email Laura Stratton at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Laura Stratton's email found in 2025.

Laura Stratton Phone Numbers

Laura Stratton phone number is 7323224733.
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