Lance Ellisor Email & Phone Number

Lance Ellisor

Chief Operating Officer at Journyx, Inc | Austin, Texas, United States

Lance Ellisor Socials
About Lance Ellisor

Lance Ellisor serves as the Chief Operating Officer at Journyx, Inc., where he leverages his extensive experience in growth and operations to drive transformative results within the organization. With a proven track record of enhancing operational efficiency and spearheading strategic initiatives, Lance is uniquely positioned to navigate the complexities of the software as a service (SaaS) landscape. His role encompasses a broad spectrum of responsibilities, including corporate strategy, revenue growth, and the management of product delivery and operations.

At Journyx, Lance is currently focused on several key projects aimed at scaling the company’s offerings and optimizing its operational framework. By implementing agile project management methodologies, he ensures that teams are aligned and responsive to market demands, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. His deep expertise in strategic partnerships and integration processes is instrumental in identifying growth levers that enhance product offerings and expand market reach.

Lance’s commitment to operational excellence is complemented by his emphasis on organizational health, which he believes is critical for sustainable growth. He is dedicated to cultivating a high-performance culture that empowers employees and drives engagement. With a keen eye for identifying acquisition opportunities, Lance also plays a pivotal role in M&A activities, from targeting and due diligence to seamless integration. Through his leadership, Journyx is poised for significant growth, positioning itself as a leader in the industry while delivering exceptional value to clients.

Lance Ellisor Work
1 experience icon

Chief Operating Officer at Journyx, Inc in March 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President, Product Management at Mitratech in August 2013 to February 2017

3 experience icon

Vice President, Product and Marketing at The Reading Room in October 2012 to August 2013

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Lance Ellisor Skills

Presentation Skills



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About Lance Ellisor's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Lance Ellisor

What is Lance Ellisor phone number?

Lance Ellisor phone number is 5127571991.

How to contact Lance Ellisor?

If you want to call Lance Ellisor try calling on 5127571991. (updated on July 19, 2022)

What company does Lance Ellisor work for?

Lance Ellisor works for Journyx, Inc

What is Lance Ellisor's role at Journyx, Inc?

Lance Ellisor is Chief Operating Officer

What is Lance Ellisor's personal email address?

Lance Ellisor's personal email address is la****[email protected]

What is Lance Ellisor's business email address?

Lance Ellisor's business email address is l*****

What industry does Lance Ellisor work in?

Lance Ellisor works in the Computer Software industry.

Lance Ellisor Email Addresses

Lance Ellisor Phone Numbers

Lance Ellisor phone number is 5127571991.
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