Kiara Downey Email & Phone Number

Kiara Downey

Director of Theater at Cate School | Carpinteria, California, United States

Kiara Downey Socials
About Kiara Downey

Kiara Downey serves as the Director of Theater at Cate School, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the theater curriculum and fostering a vibrant artistic community. With a Master of Philosophy in Theatre from Trinity College Dublin and over two decades of experience in education and advocacy, Kiara brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her position. She is dedicated to developing a comprehensive theater program that not only enhances students' artistic skills but also promotes critical thinking and collaboration.

In her role, Kiara teaches intermediate and advanced theater courses, guiding students through the intricacies of performance, script analysis, and production design. Her expertise in directing shines through in the numerous plays and musicals she has helmed, each showcasing her commitment to excellence and innovation in the performing arts. Kiara is also responsible for hiring, mentoring, and overseeing a diverse team of staff and freelance artists, ensuring that the theater program is enriched by a variety of perspectives and experiences.

Beyond the classroom, Kiara actively manages theater programming, promoting both national and international outreach initiatives that connect students with broader artistic communities. Her skills in written communication, educational outreach, and multicultural team leadership enable her to effectively advocate for the arts and foster a collaborative environment. Kiara's commitment to innovation and research in theater education not only enhances the student experience at Cate School but also contributes to the larger discourse on the importance of the arts in education. Through her leadership, Kiara Downey continues to inspire the next generation of theater artists and advocates.

Kiara Downey Work
1 experience icon

Director of Theater at Cate School in July 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Teacher at United Nations International School in August 2002 to July 2021

3 experience icon

Head of Theatre at United Nations International School in January 2014 to June 2019

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Kiara Downey Education

Trinity College Dublin, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), M.Phil. In Theatre

Gonzaga University, Politics

The University of Montana, Bachelor's degree, Philosophy and Politics

Kiara Downey Skills

Written Communication



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About Kiara Downey's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Kiara Downey

What is Kiara Downey email address?

Email Kiara Downey at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kiara Downey's email found in 2024.

How to contact Kiara Downey?

To contact Kiara Downey send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Kiara Downey work for?

Kiara Downey works for Cate School

What is Kiara Downey's role at Cate School?

Kiara Downey is Director of Theater

What is Kiara Downey's Phone Number?

Kiara Downey's phone (213) ***-*143

What industry does Kiara Downey work in?

Kiara Downey works in the Writing and Editing industry.

Kiara Downey Email Addresses

Email Kiara Downey at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kiara Downey's email found in 2024.

Kiara Downey Phone Numbers

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