Khary Frazier Email & Phone Number

Khary Frazier

Founder at Detroit is Different | Detroit, Michigan, United States

Khary Frazier Socials
About Khary Frazier

Khary Frazier, as the Founder of Detroit is Different, embodies a unique blend of artistic vision and entrepreneurial acumen, deeply rooted in his family's legacy of business excellence. Drawing inspiration from his father, a CPA specializing in manufacturing accounting solutions for small businesses, Khary has cultivated a profound understanding of the importance of community and economic empowerment. His current role involves not only curating a platform for Black voices in Detroit but also fostering social capital—an essential asset that encourages collective creativity and collaboration among community members.

At Detroit is Different, Khary spearheads key projects that celebrate and amplify the rich tapestry of Black culture in Detroit. This includes organizing events that showcase local artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs, thereby creating a vibrant ecosystem where ideas can flourish. His expertise in event planning and public speaking allows him to engage diverse audiences, while his skills in video production and sound reinforcement ensure that the stories of Black Detroit are told with authenticity and impact.

In addition to his creative endeavors, Khary leverages his background in small business marketing and accounting to provide strategic guidance to emerging artists and entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the complexities of the creative economy. By integrating social media and web development into his initiatives, he enhances visibility for local talent and fosters a sense of community pride. Ultimately, Khary Frazier's work at Detroit is Different is not just about art; it’s about building a legacy of empowerment, resilience, and cultural celebration that resonates throughout the city and beyond.

Khary Frazier Work
1 experience icon

Marketing Executive at Creative Differences Marketing INC in January 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Founder at Detroit is Different in April 2014 to Present

Khary Frazier Education

Walsh College, Master's degree, January 2019 to January 2021

Henry Ford College, Associate's degree, January 2011 to January 2013

Walsh College, Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), January 2014 to January 2016

Khary Frazier Skills


Event Planning

Public Speaking

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Frequently Asked Questions about Khary Frazier

What is Khary Frazier email address?

Email Khary Frazier at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Khary Frazier's email found in 2025.

What is Khary Frazier phone number?

Khary Frazier phone number is +1.3135980408.

How to contact Khary Frazier?

To contact Khary Frazier send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Khary Frazier try calling on +1.3135980408.

What company does Khary Frazier work for?

Khary Frazier works for Detroit is Different

What is Khary Frazier's role at Detroit is Different?

Khary Frazier is Founder

What industry does Khary Frazier work in?

Khary Frazier works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Khary Frazier Email Addresses

Email Khary Frazier at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Khary Frazier's email found in 2025.

Khary Frazier Phone Numbers

Khary Frazier phone number is +1.3135980408.
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