Khalid Muhammad Email & Phone Number

Khalid Muhammad

Senior Program Manager at Six Symbols | Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States

Khalid Muhammad Socials
About Khalid Muhammad

Khalid Muhammad serves as a Senior Program Manager at Six Symbols, where he leverages his extensive expertise in business and finance to drive transformative projects that empower organizations to achieve their strategic goals. With a steadfast commitment to leveling the playing field, Khalid focuses on delivering innovative solutions that are not only cost-effective but also sustainable. His current role involves spearheading key initiatives in three primary areas: Human Capital Management, Cash Management, and Public Relationships.

In Human Capital Management, Khalid excels in motivating and coaching teams, ensuring that talent is nurtured and aligned with organizational objectives. His strategic approach to payroll systems enhances operational efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on growth. In the realm of Cash Management, Khalid's proficiency in financial analysis and accounting enables him to provide critical insights that inform funding decisions and optimize resource allocation. His ability to navigate complex financial landscapes ensures that projects are executed on time and within budget.

Moreover, Khalid's expertise in Public Relationships encompasses a wide array of marketing strategies, sales initiatives, and social media engagement. He understands the importance of building strong connections with stakeholders and leveraging those relationships to enhance brand visibility and drive revenue growth. By integrating his skills in management, leadership, and entrepreneurship, Khalid is dedicated to fostering an environment where innovation thrives and businesses can soar to new heights. His passion for creating impactful solutions makes him an invaluable asset to Six Symbols and the broader business community.

Khalid Muhammad Work
1 experience icon

Senior Program Manager at Six Symbols in December 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

Instructional Coach at H&R Block in August 2015 to December 2017

3 experience icon

Senior Project Manager at Awaken The Power Therapy in October 2014 to August 2016

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Khalid Muhammad Skills




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Frequently Asked Questions about Khalid Muhammad

What is Khalid Muhammad email address?

Email Khalid Muhammad at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Khalid Muhammad's email found in 2025.

What is Khalid Muhammad phone number?

Khalid Muhammad phone number is +1.2032759761 and 2033356347.

How to contact Khalid Muhammad?

To contact Khalid Muhammad send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Khalid Muhammad try calling on +1.2032759761 and 2033356347.

What company does Khalid Muhammad work for?

Khalid Muhammad works for Six Symbols

What is Khalid Muhammad's role at Six Symbols?

Khalid Muhammad is Senior Program Manager

What industry does Khalid Muhammad work in?

Khalid Muhammad works in the Management Consulting industry.

Khalid Muhammad Email Addresses

Email Khalid Muhammad at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Khalid Muhammad's email found in 2025.

Khalid Muhammad Phone Numbers

Khalid Muhammad phone number is +1.2032759761 and 2033356347.
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