Kelly King Email & Phone Number

Kelly King

Varsity Football Head Coach at Leland High School | Milpitas, California, United States

Kelly King Socials
About Kelly King

Kelly King is a multifaceted professional who seamlessly blends his expertise in IT with his passion for coaching high school football at Leland High School. As the Varsity Football Head Coach, Kelly not only manages and oversees the football program but also plays a pivotal role in shaping young athletes into disciplined and committed team players. His responsibilities include coordinating both the offense and defense, calling plays during games, and fostering a collaborative environment among players and coaching staff.

Under Kelly's leadership, the football program emphasizes the principles of teamwork and resilience, essential skills that extend beyond the field. He conducts rigorous training exercises designed to enhance individual skills while promoting collective performance, ensuring that each player understands their role within the team dynamic. Kelly's ability to manage large cross-functional groups of students showcases his strong leadership and communication skills, which are critical in both sports and his IT career.

In addition to his coaching duties, Kelly is dedicated to giving back to the community, instilling values of sportsmanship and perseverance in his players. His background in IT, with skills ranging from desktop support and proactive monitoring to program management and client liaison, allows him to approach coaching with a unique perspective. He understands the importance of technology in today’s sports environment, whether it's analyzing game footage or maintaining communication with players and parents. Balancing his roles as a husband, father, and coach, Kelly King exemplifies a commitment to excellence in both his professional and personal life, making a lasting impact on the students and community he serves.

Kelly King Work
1 experience icon

Varsity Football Head Coach at Leland High School in March 2019 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of IT at ARX Networks in July 2022 to Present

3 experience icon

Help Desk Manager at ARX Networks in April 2021 to July 2022

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Kelly King Skills


Cloud Applications


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About Kelly King's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Kelly King

What is Kelly King email address?

Email Kelly King at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kelly King email found in 2025.

What is Kelly King phone number?

Kelly King phone number is +14085066573 and +14085060665.

How to contact Kelly King?

To contact Kelly King send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Kelly King try calling on +14085066573 and +14085060665. (updated on October 30, 2024)

What is Kelly King net worth?

Kelly King has an estimated net worth of $375,000 to $499,999

What company does Kelly King work for?

Kelly King works for Leland High School

What is Kelly King's role at Leland High School?

Kelly King is Varsity Football Head Coach

What industry does Kelly King work in?

Kelly King works in the Software Development industry.

Kelly King Email Addresses

Email Kelly King at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kelly King email found in 2025.

Kelly King Phone Numbers

Kelly King phone number is +14085066573 and +14085060665.
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