Kathleen Perkal Email & Phone Number

Kathleen Perkal

Founder at Cartoon Cuts | New York, New York, United States

Kathleen Perkal Socials
About Kathleen Perkal

Kathleen Perkal, as the Founder of Cartoon Cuts, has successfully carved a niche in the children's hair salon industry, particularly in the suburban DC market. With a vision rooted in her own childhood experiences, Kathleen has created a vibrant and welcoming environment tailored specifically for children under the age of 12. Each Cartoon Cuts salon is a colorful haven, featuring engaging video games in the waiting area, styling stations designed for comfort and fun, and a continuous stream of beloved cartoons that keep young clients entertained throughout their haircuts.

Under Kathleen's leadership, Cartoon Cuts has become more than just a place for haircuts; it’s a community hub where children can feel at ease and parents can enjoy a stress-free experience. Her expertise in entrepreneurship and strategic planning has been instrumental in the successful expansion of the brand, allowing it to thrive in a competitive retail landscape. Kathleen is also passionate about management consulting, leveraging her skills to refine operations and enhance customer experiences across all locations.

Key projects under Kathleen's guidance include the development of innovative marketing strategies that resonate with families, as well as fundraising initiatives that support local children's charities. Her commitment to public relations has helped establish Cartoon Cuts as a trusted name in children's grooming, while her understanding of start-ups has enabled her to navigate the challenges of growing a business from the ground up. Kathleen’s journey reflects the spirit of "The Little Engine That Could," embodying perseverance and a belief in the potential of every child who walks through the doors of Cartoon Cuts.

Kathleen Perkal Work
1 experience icon

Founder at Cartoon Cuts in January 1991 to Present

2 experience icon

Member at Women Presidents' Organization (WPO) in July 2011 to January 2021

3 experience icon

Member Board of Directors at Open Door Family Medical Centers in January 2005 to May 2016

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Kathleen Perkal Education

Columbia University in the City of New York, BA

Kathleen Perkal Skills


Small Business


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About Kathleen Perkal's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Kathleen Perkal

What is Kathleen Perkal email address?

Email Kathleen Perkal at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kathleen Perkal's email found in 2025.

What is Kathleen Perkal phone number?

Kathleen Perkal phone number is +1.9546532887.

How to contact Kathleen Perkal?

To contact Kathleen Perkal send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Kathleen Perkal try calling on +1.9546532887.

What company does Kathleen Perkal work for?

Kathleen Perkal works for Cartoon Cuts

What is Kathleen Perkal's role at Cartoon Cuts?

Kathleen Perkal is Founder

What industry does Kathleen Perkal work in?

Kathleen Perkal works in the Retail industry.

Kathleen Perkal Email Addresses

Email Kathleen Perkal at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kathleen Perkal's email found in 2025.

Kathleen Perkal Phone Numbers

Kathleen Perkal phone number is +1.9546532887.
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