Judy Chu Email & Phone Number

Judy Chu

Design Manager, Strategy & Marketing Services at Hotwire | San Francisco, California, United States

Judy Chu Socials
About Judy Chu

Judy Chu currently serves as the Design Manager for Strategy & Marketing Services at Hotwire, where she leverages her extensive background in visual communications and business acumen to drive impactful design solutions. With a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communications and a minor in Business Accounting from San Francisco State University, Judy combines her creative flair with a strategic mindset, making her an invaluable asset to both clients and her team. Her role involves partnering closely with clients to translate their concepts into cohesive design systems and assets, ensuring that every output not only aligns with their expectations but also meets their overarching business objectives.

Judy excels in project management, skillfully overseeing the scoping, resourcing, and execution phases of design projects. Her ability to create and manage projects within budget and scope has led to successful collaborations that enhance brand visibility and engagement. She leads tactical design initiatives, utilizing her proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite to produce high-quality visual content that resonates with target audiences. Additionally, Judy’s expertise in project scope development and her meticulous attention to detail ensure that every project is executed flawlessly, from initial concept to final delivery.

Her passion for design, which began in her youth through volunteer work in developing promotional materials for schools and online communities, continues to fuel her commitment to excellence in the industry. As a proactive leader, Judy not only fosters a collaborative environment but also empowers her team to innovate and push creative boundaries, ultimately driving success for Hotwire’s clients in an ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Judy Chu Work
1 experience icon

Design Manager, Strategy & Marketing Services at Hotwire in April 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Designer at Hotwire in February 2017 to Present

3 experience icon

Senior Designer, Strategy & Marketing Services at Hotwire in February 2017 to April 2021

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Judy Chu Education

San Francisco State University, Visual Communications, January 2009 to January 2014

San Francisco State University, Accounting, January 2009 to January 2014

Judy Chu Skills

Adobe Creative Suite



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About Judy Chu's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Judy Chu

What is Judy Chu email address?

Email Judy Chu at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Judy Chu's email found in 2025.

How to contact Judy Chu?

To contact Judy Chu send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Judy Chu work for?

Judy Chu works for Hotwire

What is Judy Chu's role at Hotwire?

Judy Chu is Design Manager, Strategy & Marketing Services

What is Judy Chu's Phone Number?

Judy Chu's phone (213) ***-*185

What industry does Judy Chu work in?

Judy Chu works in the Public Relations & Communications industry.

Judy Chu Email Addresses

Email Judy Chu at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Judy Chu's email found in 2025.

Judy Chu Phone Numbers

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