Jimmy Calandra Email & Phone Number

Jimmy Calandra

Writer/ consultant at Self-employed | Brooklyn, New York, United States

Jimmy Calandra Socials
About Jimmy Calandra

Jimmy Calandra is a dynamic writer and consultant, leveraging his unique life experiences to inspire and educate others. As a former member of the notorious Bath Ave Crew in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, Jimmy has transformed his tumultuous past into a powerful narrative that resonates with audiences. His recent feature in National Geographic's "Inside the American Mob Episode 6" highlights his journey from the shadows of organized crime to a life dedicated to positive change.

In his current role as a self-employed writer and consultant, Jimmy focuses on making amends for his past while empowering others to navigate their own challenges. He utilizes his extensive background in community outreach and public speaking to engage with diverse audiences, sharing insights that encourage personal growth and resilience. His expertise in coaching and management allows him to develop tailored programs aimed at helping individuals and communities break free from cycles of crime and poverty.

Key projects include workshops and seminars that emphasize the importance of mentorship and accountability, as well as writing initiatives that document the realities of life within organized crime. Through social media marketing and engaging storytelling, Jimmy reaches a broad audience, fostering discussions on redemption and the power of choice. His commitment to changing lives is evident in every endeavor, as he strives to turn his past mistakes into lessons that inspire hope and transformation in others.

Jimmy Calandra Work
1 experience icon

Writer/ consultant at Self-employed in November 2012 to Present

Jimmy Calandra Education

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Corresponding Classes while I was doing time in Lewisburg penitentiary, Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations, February 1994 to February 1996

Lessons of living life, Associate's degree, Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations, February 1993 to February 1999

Jimmy Calandra Skills

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word


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About Jimmy Calandra's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Jimmy Calandra

What is Jimmy Calandra email address?

Email Jimmy Calandra at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jimmy Calandra's email found in 2025.

What is Jimmy Calandra phone number?

Jimmy Calandra phone number is 9172022011.

How to contact Jimmy Calandra?

To contact Jimmy Calandra send an email at [email protected] you want to call Jimmy Calandra try calling on 9172022011.

What company does Jimmy Calandra work for?

Jimmy Calandra works for Self-employed

What is Jimmy Calandra's role at Self-employed?

Jimmy Calandra is Writer/ consultant

What industry does Jimmy Calandra work in?

Jimmy Calandra works in the Fine Art industry.

Jimmy Calandra Email Addresses

Email Jimmy Calandra at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jimmy Calandra's email found in 2025.

Jimmy Calandra Phone Numbers

Jimmy Calandra phone number is 9172022011.
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