Jeffrey Deal Email & Phone Number

Jeffrey Deal

Project Engineer, Systems Test Engineering at Moog Inc. | Clarence, New York, United States

Jeffrey Deal Socials
About Jeffrey Deal

As a Project Engineer in Systems Test Engineering at Moog Inc., Jeffrey Deal plays a pivotal role in the development and integration of specialized test systems for aircraft actuation components and platform electronics. His extensive experience in engineering management and system design enables him to navigate complex technical projects from conception through to successful completion. Jeffrey is adept at requirements analysis, ensuring that each project aligns with stringent industry standards and client specifications.

Currently, he is involved in several key projects that focus on enhancing the performance and reliability of legacy electronic and hydraulic test systems. By providing maintenance and upgrade support, he not only extends the lifecycle of existing systems but also integrates cutting-edge technologies to improve testing efficiency. His strong troubleshooting skills are essential in diagnosing issues and implementing effective solutions, thus minimizing downtime and ensuring project timelines are met.

Jeffrey’s expertise in electronics and mechanical engineering, combined with his understanding of ITAR regulations, positions him as a valuable asset in the aerospace sector. His excellent interpersonal skills facilitate seamless collaboration within multidisciplinary teams, fostering an environment of innovation and shared knowledge. Through his commitment to detail-oriented project execution, Jeffrey continues to contribute significantly to Moog Inc.'s reputation for delivering high-quality, reliable aerospace solutions.

Jeffrey Deal Work
1 experience icon

Project Engineer, Systems Test Engineering at Moog Inc. in October 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

Engineering Functional Manager at DRS Technologies, Inc. in January 2011 to August 2013

3 experience icon

Principal Systems Engineer at DRS Technologies, Inc. in April 2010 to January 2011

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Jeffrey Deal Education

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Bachelor of Science (BS), Electrical and Electronics Engineering, February 1973 to February 1978

Jeffrey Deal Skills

Licensed Professional Engineer - Registered to practice in NY State

Earned Value Management

Engineering Management

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About Jeffrey Deal's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Jeffrey Deal

What is Jeffrey Deal email address?

Email Jeffrey Deal at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeffrey Deal's email found in 2025.

How to contact Jeffrey Deal?

To contact Jeffrey Deal send an email at [email protected].

What company does Jeffrey Deal work for?

Jeffrey Deal works for Moog Inc.

What is Jeffrey Deal's role at Moog Inc.?

Jeffrey Deal is Project Engineer, Systems Test Engineering

What is Jeffrey Deal's Phone Number?

Jeffrey Deal's phone (212) ***-*149

What industry does Jeffrey Deal work in?

Jeffrey Deal works in the Defense & Space industry.

Jeffrey Deal Email Addresses

Email Jeffrey Deal at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeffrey Deal's email found in 2025.

Jeffrey Deal Phone Numbers

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