Jeff Konigbagbe Email & Phone Number

Jeff Konigbagbe

Account Executive at Microsoft | United States

Jeff Konigbagbe Socials
About Jeff Konigbagbe

As an Account Executive at Microsoft, Jeff Konigbagbe plays a pivotal role in empowering organizations to harness the full potential of the Microsoft cloud. With over a decade of experience in the software and technology industry, Jeff has honed his expertise in cloud computing, SaaS, and enterprise software, enabling him to deliver tailored solutions that drive tangible business outcomes. His deep understanding of customer needs allows him to effectively engage with C-level executives and key decision-makers, fostering strong relationships that are essential for long-term success.

Currently, Jeff is focused on several key projects that showcase his ability to bridge the gap between technology and business strategy. By leveraging Microsoft’s extensive suite of cloud services, he helps clients streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and achieve scalable growth. His strategic approach involves not only understanding the unique challenges faced by organizations of various sizes but also collaborating with a diverse virtual sales team to provide comprehensive support and resources.

Jeff’s core competencies extend beyond technical knowledge; his leadership skills and commitment to exceptional customer service are critical in building trust and loyalty among clients. He is adept at navigating complex loan documents and closings, ensuring that financial aspects align seamlessly with technology solutions. As he continues to drive innovation and value for his customers, Jeff remains dedicated to fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence within the Microsoft ecosystem, ultimately helping organizations achieve more in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Jeff Konigbagbe Work
1 experience icon

Account Executive at Microsoft in October 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Applications Sales Executive at Oracle in May 2013 to September 2017

3 experience icon

Senior Account Executive at Citi in September 2008 to April 2013

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Jeff Konigbagbe Education

University of Jamestown, Bachelor of Science (BS), January 2000 to January 2005

Burnsville Senior High School, High School Diploma, January 1998 to January 2000

About Jeff Konigbagbe's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Jeff Konigbagbe

What is Jeff Konigbagbe email address?

Email Jeff Konigbagbe at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeff Konigbagbe's email found in 2025.

What is Jeff Konigbagbe phone number?

Jeff Konigbagbe phone number is 469.775.4369.

How to contact Jeff Konigbagbe?

To contact Jeff Konigbagbe send an email to [email protected]. If you want to call Jeff Konigbagbe try calling on 469.775.4369.

What company does Jeff Konigbagbe work for?

Jeff Konigbagbe works for Microsoft

What is Jeff Konigbagbe's role at Microsoft?

Jeff Konigbagbe is Account Executive

What industry does Jeff Konigbagbe work in?

Jeff Konigbagbe works in the Computer Software industry.

Jeff Konigbagbe Email Addresses

Email Jeff Konigbagbe at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeff Konigbagbe's email found in 2025.

Jeff Konigbagbe Phone Numbers

Jeff Konigbagbe phone number is 469.775.4369.
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