Ivan Shaw Email & Phone Number

Ivan Shaw

Corporate Photography Director, Condé Nast at Condé Nast | New York, New York, United States

Ivan Shaw Socials
About Ivan Shaw

Ivan Shaw serves as the Corporate Photography Director at Condé Nast, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the visual narrative of some of the most iconic publications in the world. With over 20 years of experience in visual content creation, Ivan has honed his expertise in creative direction, photo shoot production, and digital photography, making him a key figure in the industry. His current responsibilities include overseeing the Condé Nast Archive, which houses one of the largest and most significant collections of fashion photography globally. This role not only requires a keen eye for visual storytelling but also demands exceptional management skills, as Ivan leads a team of highly trained specialists dedicated to preserving and monetizing these invaluable assets.

In his position, Ivan collaborates closely with cross-functional teams, including sales, marketing, and human resources, to craft compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. His ability to navigate both structured environments and one-on-one interactions allows him to drive production effectively while ensuring that the creative vision aligns with business objectives. Ivan's strategic oversight of the licensing team further enhances revenue generation from archive assets, showcasing his proficiency in budget management and external communication.

Ivan's passion for magazines and publications is evident in his work, where he continually pushes the boundaries of visual content to create innovative projects that captivate and inspire. As a panel moderator and industry thought leader, he shares his insights on the evolving landscape of photography and publishing, solidifying his reputation as a creative force within Condé Nast and the broader visual arts community.

Ivan Shaw Work
1 experience icon

Corporate Photography Director, Condé Nast at Condé Nast in January 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

Corporate Photography Director, Condé Nast+ Contributing Visuals Editor, The World of Interiors at Condé Nast in July 2016 to Present

3 experience icon

Board Member at Detroit Institute of Arts, Friends of Prints, Drawings and Photographs in September 2020 to Present

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Ivan Shaw Education

Clark University, Bachelor's degree

New York University, Master's degree

Ivan Shaw Skills


Public Lectures

Fashion Photography

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About Ivan Shaw's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ivan Shaw

What is Ivan Shaw email address?

Email Ivan Shaw at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ivan Shaw's email found in 2025.

What is Ivan Shaw phone number?

Ivan Shaw phone number is 9175452872.

How to contact Ivan Shaw?

To contact Ivan Shaw send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Ivan Shaw try calling on 9175452872.

What company does Ivan Shaw work for?

Ivan Shaw works for Condé Nast

What is Ivan Shaw's role at Condé Nast?

Ivan Shaw is Corporate Photography Director, Condé Nast

What industry does Ivan Shaw work in?

Ivan Shaw works in the Publishing industry.

Ivan Shaw Email Addresses

Email Ivan Shaw at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ivan Shaw's email found in 2025.

Ivan Shaw Phone Numbers

Ivan Shaw phone number is 9175452872.
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