Helene Loiselle Email & Phone Number

Helene Loiselle

Director of Sales at Hampton Inn - Marlborough | Westford, Massachusetts, United States

Helene Loiselle Socials
About Helene Loiselle

Helene Loiselle serves as the Director of Sales at Hampton Inn - Marlborough, where she leverages her extensive experience in the hospitality industry to drive revenue generation across multiple market segments, including corporate, government, social, and transient sales. With a strong foundation in sales management and a proven track record of success, Helene is adept at utilizing tools like OnQ to optimize revenue analysis and enhance account management strategies. Her expertise in catering and food and beverage operations allows her to create tailored packages that meet the diverse needs of clients, ensuring memorable experiences that foster repeat business.

In her current role, Helene is spearheading several key projects aimed at increasing market share and enhancing the hotel's visibility within the local community. By implementing innovative marketing strategies and fostering strong relationships with corporate clients, she is not only driving sales but also building a robust network that supports long-term growth. Her strong skills in budgeting and financial management enable her to develop effective pricing strategies that align with market trends while maximizing profitability.

Helene's commitment to team building and management is evident in her leadership style, as she empowers her sales team to excel in their roles and achieve collective goals. With a Hospitality Certification from Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts - Lowell, she combines academic knowledge with practical experience, making her a valuable asset to the Hampton Inn - Marlborough. As she continues to navigate the dynamic landscape of the hospitality industry, Helene remains focused on delivering exceptional service and driving sustainable revenue growth for the hotel.

Helene Loiselle Work
1 experience icon

Director of Sales at Hampton Inn - Marlborough in April 2007 to Present

2 experience icon

North Shore Convention Council at North Shore, MA in March 1997 to March 2007

3 experience icon

Director of Sales - Hampton Inn at Marlborough

Helene Loiselle Education

University of MA - Lowell, Certification Program, January 1992 to January 1993

Chelmsford High School, High School Diploma, January 1965 to January 1969

Helene Loiselle Skills

Sales Management


Catering Sales

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Frequently Asked Questions about Helene Loiselle

What company does Helene Loiselle work for?

Helene Loiselle works for Hampton Inn - Marlborough

What is Helene Loiselle's role at Hampton Inn - Marlborough?

Helene Loiselle is Director of Sales

What is Helene Loiselle's personal email address?

Helene Loiselle's personal email address is he****[email protected]

What is Helene Loiselle's business email address?

Helene Loiselle's business email address is h****[email protected]

What is Helene Loiselle's Phone Number?

Helene Loiselle's phone (413) ***-*486

What industry does Helene Loiselle work in?

Helene Loiselle works in the Hospitality industry.

Helene Loiselle Email Addresses

Helene Loiselle Phone Numbers

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