Freddy MARIE Email & Phone Number

Freddy MARIE

Director and General Manager at Stellantis | Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

Freddy MARIE Socials
About Freddy MARIE

Freddy Marie serves as the Director and General Manager of Stellantis Leasing Services Company, a pivotal role based in Wuhan, where he drives the strategic vision and operational excellence of the organization. With a robust background in technology and innovation, Freddy is passionate about integrating the latest trends into the automotive leasing sector. His leadership extends to his positions as Executive Director of Stellantis (Shanghai) and Stellantis (Beijing) Automobile Services Companies, where he has successfully spearheaded initiatives that enhance stakeholder satisfaction and foster team collaboration.

In 2023, Freddy led the launch of the Peugeot Motorcycle leasing activity, a significant project that underscores his commitment to expanding Stellantis's portfolio and adapting to evolving market demands. Additionally, he played a crucial role in the establishment of a second-hand vehicle leasing service, further diversifying the company’s offerings and responding to the growing consumer interest in sustainable mobility solutions. His expertise in business analysis, project portfolio management, and change management has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of these initiatives, ensuring seamless integration with enterprise-wide standards.

Freddy's adaptability to rapid changes in requirements, coupled with his strategic insight, positions him as a key driver of innovation within Stellantis. He is dedicated to employee career development, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth that empowers his teams to excel. As a confident leader, Freddy Marie exemplifies the qualities necessary to thrive in the dynamic automotive industry, making significant contributions to Stellantis's mission of delivering cutting-edge mobility solutions.

Freddy MARIE Work
1 experience icon

Director and General Manager at Stellantis in August 2023 to Present

2 experience icon

General Manager at Stellantis in February 2023 to August 2023

3 experience icon

Executive Deputy General Manager at Groupe PSA in November 2018 to January 2023

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Freddy MARIE Education

KEDGE Business School, Master of Business Administration (MBA), January 2013 to January 2015

Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, KEDGE-IIM Lucknow Executive MBA Seminar, January 2015

American University of Sharjah, KEDGE-AUS Executive MBA Seminar, January 2014

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Freddy MARIE Skills

Business Analysis



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About Freddy MARIE's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Freddy MARIE

What is Freddy Marie email address?

Email Freddy Marie at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Freddy Marie's email found in 2025.

What is Freddy Marie phone number?

Freddy Marie phone number is 0957873975.

How to contact Freddy Marie?

To contact Freddy Marie send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Freddy Marie try calling on 0957873975.

What company does Freddy MARIE work for?

Freddy MARIE works for Stellantis

What is Freddy MARIE's role at Stellantis?

Freddy MARIE is Director and General Manager

What industry does Freddy MARIE work in?

Freddy MARIE works in the Financial Services industry.

Freddy MARIE Email Addresses

Freddy MARIE Phone Numbers

Freddy Marie phone number is 0957873975.
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