Erin Bertollini Email & Phone Number

Erin Bertollini

Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer at Harrell Hospitality Group, LLC | Austin, Texas, United States

Erin Bertollini Socials
About Erin Bertollini

As the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Harrell Hospitality Group, LLC, Erin Bertollini plays a pivotal role in steering the company towards excellence in hotel development and management. With a strong focus on both full and select-service hotels across Texas and California, Erin leverages her extensive expertise in hospitality management to enhance operational efficiency and guest satisfaction. Her commitment to excellence is evident in her leadership of key projects that aim to elevate the guest experience, streamline hotel administration, and optimize inventory management.

Erin's passion for connecting with top industry talent is a cornerstone of her professional philosophy. She actively engages in recruiting and mentoring, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation within her teams. Her skills in event management and fine dining not only enhance the guest experience but also contribute to the overall success of the hotels under her purview. By implementing strategic hiring practices and building cohesive teams, Erin ensures that Harrell Hospitality Group remains a leader in the competitive hospitality landscape.

In addition to her operational responsibilities, Erin is dedicated to continuous improvement and professional development within the industry. She invites fellow professionals to connect on LinkedIn, emphasizing the importance of networking and sharing insights in an ever-evolving sector. Through her leadership, Erin Bertollini exemplifies the qualities of a forward-thinking COO, driving growth and excellence at Harrell Hospitality Group while nurturing the next generation of hospitality leaders.

Erin Bertollini Work
1 experience icon

Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer at Harrell Hospitality Group, LLC in August 2019 to Present

2 experience icon

President at Associa Hill Country at Associa in December 2017 to August 2019

3 experience icon

Vice President Operations at Harrell Hospitality Group in January 2017 to November 2017

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Erin Bertollini Education

Michigan State University, Bachelor's degree, January 1994 to January 2000

Erin Bertollini Skills

Hospitality Management



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About Erin Bertollini's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Erin Bertollini

What is Erin Bertollini email address?

Email Erin Bertollini at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Erin Bertollini's email found in 2025.

What is Erin Bertollini phone number?

Erin Bertollini phone number is +1.2488758275.

How to contact Erin Bertollini?

To contact Erin Bertollini send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Erin Bertollini try calling on +1.2488758275.

What company does Erin Bertollini work for?

Erin Bertollini works for Harrell Hospitality Group, LLC

What is Erin Bertollini's role at Harrell Hospitality Group, LLC?

Erin Bertollini is Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

What industry does Erin Bertollini work in?

Erin Bertollini works in the Hospitality industry.

Erin Bertollini Email Addresses

Email Erin Bertollini at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Erin Bertollini's email found in 2025.

Erin Bertollini Phone Numbers

Erin Bertollini phone number is +1.2488758275.
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