Dhanya Thakkar Email & Phone Number

Dhanya Thakkar

Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) at Trend Micro | Singapore

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About Dhanya Thakkar

Dhanya Thakkar currently serves as the Senior Vice President for Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa (AMEA) at Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions. In this pivotal role, he spearheads global marketing initiatives while driving strategic growth across diverse markets, ensuring that Trend Micro’s innovative security solutions effectively address the evolving challenges of digital threats. With over 20 years of experience, Mr. Thakkar is recognized as a transformation specialist, adept at navigating the complexities of the cybersecurity landscape and fostering business alliances that enhance organizational resilience.

Under his leadership, Trend Micro has launched several key projects aimed at bolstering cybersecurity measures for enterprises in the AMEA region. These initiatives not only focus on enhancing product management and solution selling but also emphasize the importance of layered security for data centers, cloud environments, networks, and endpoints. Mr. Thakkar’s expertise in cloud computing and computer security has been instrumental in developing tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of consumers, businesses, and governments alike.

His strong track record in sales management and team building has cultivated a culture of collaboration and innovation within his teams, enabling them to adapt swiftly to market demands. As a thought leader in the cybersecurity domain, Dhanya Thakkar continues to advocate for proactive cybersecurity measures, ensuring that organizations are equipped to defend against emerging threats in an increasingly interconnected world. His commitment to making the digital landscape safer resonates throughout the industry, positioning Trend Micro as a trusted partner in cybersecurity.

Dhanya Thakkar Work
1 experience icon

Co-Founder at Total Transformation Lab in November 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) at Trend Micro in October 2012 to Present

3 experience icon

Senior Vice President Global Marketing at Trend Micro in August 2022 to Present

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Dhanya Thakkar Education

Queen's University, Executive Program, January 2007

Maharaja Sayajirao University, Bachelor, January 1989 to January 1992

Dhanya Thakkar Skills

Executive Management



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About Dhanya Thakkar's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Dhanya Thakkar

What is Dhanya Thakkar email address?

Email Dhanya Thakkar at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dhanya Thakkar's email found in 2025.

How to contact Dhanya Thakkar?

To contact Dhanya Thakkar send an email to [email protected].

What company does Dhanya Thakkar work for?

Dhanya Thakkar works for Trend Micro

What is Dhanya Thakkar's role at Trend Micro?

Dhanya Thakkar is Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA)

What is Dhanya Thakkar's Phone Number?

Dhanya Thakkar's phone +44 ** **** *203

What industry does Dhanya Thakkar work in?

Dhanya Thakkar works in the Computer Software industry.

Dhanya Thakkar Email Addresses

Email Dhanya Thakkar at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dhanya Thakkar's email found in 2025.

Dhanya Thakkar Phone Numbers

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