Dennis Stewart Email & Phone Number

Dennis Stewart

Sr. Pastor at Crutchfield Heights Baptist Church | Sherman, Texas, United States

Dennis Stewart Socials
About Dennis Stewart

Dennis Stewart serves as the Senior Pastor at Crutchfield Heights Baptist Church in Sherman, Texas, where he combines his extensive background in information technology with his passion for ministry. With a focus on community engagement and spiritual growth, Dennis has spearheaded several key projects aimed at enhancing the church's outreach and operational efficiency. His expertise in process engineering and project management (PMP) has been instrumental in streamlining church operations, allowing for more effective event planning and resource allocation.

Under Dennis's leadership, Crutchfield Heights has embraced innovative technologies to foster a more connected congregation. He has implemented ITIL best practices to enhance the church's information systems, ensuring that all digital platforms are secure and user-friendly. This commitment to security and effective management has not only improved internal processes but has also enriched the worship experience for members and visitors alike.

In addition to his technical skills, Dennis is known for his exceptional team-building abilities, creating a collaborative environment among church staff and volunteers. His experience with event planning and community outreach initiatives has led to successful programs that engage families and individuals of all ages, including the popular use of inflatables during community events, which have become a hallmark of Crutchfield Heights's family-friendly atmosphere.

Dennis Stewart's unique blend of IT expertise and pastoral care positions him as a transformative leader within the church community, dedicated to fostering spiritual growth while leveraging technology to enhance the overall church experience. His vision for Crutchfield Heights Baptist Church is one that harmonizes faith with innovation, ensuring that the church remains a vibrant and welcoming place for all.

Dennis Stewart Work
1 experience icon

Sr. Pastor at Crutchfield Heights Baptist Church in July 2012 to Present

2 experience icon

National Sales Manager at CarOffer in March 2022 to Present

3 experience icon

Dealer Sales Manager at CarOffer in August 2021 to Present

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Dennis Stewart Education

Howe High School, January 1982 to January 1986

GCC, State License, January 1986 to January 1990

Texas State Technical College, Automotove Management, January 1986 to January 1987

Dennis Stewart Skills

Process Improvement

Program Management

Project Management

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dennis Stewart

What is Dennis Stewart email address?

Email Dennis Stewart at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dennis Stewart's email found in 2024.

What is Dennis Stewart phone number?

Dennis Stewart phone number is 9038211148.

How to contact Dennis Stewart?

To contact Dennis Stewart send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Dennis Stewart try calling on 9038211148.

What company does Dennis Stewart work for?

Dennis Stewart works for Crutchfield Heights Baptist Church

What is Dennis Stewart's role at Crutchfield Heights Baptist Church?

Dennis Stewart is Sr. Pastor

What industry does Dennis Stewart work in?

Dennis Stewart works in the Aviation & Aerospace industry.

Dennis Stewart Email Addresses

Email Dennis Stewart at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dennis Stewart's email found in 2024.

Dennis Stewart Phone Numbers

Dennis Stewart phone number is 9038211148.
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