Dawn Gallt Watson Email & Phone Number

Dawn Gallt Watson

Head of Careers at Hult International Business School | London, England, United Kingdom

Dawn Gallt Watson Socials
About Dawn Gallt Watson

As the Head of Careers at Hult International Business School, Dawn Gallt Watson plays a pivotal role in shaping the career trajectories of students across a diverse range of programs, including MBA, Masters, Bachelors, and Executive MBA. With over 15 years of experience in recruitment, human resources, and higher education career services, Dawn is dedicated to fostering an environment where students can discover fulfilling careers that not only meet their financial needs but also ignite their passions and aspirations.

In her current role, Dawn leads a dynamic team of Career Advisors, focusing on career-focused learning and development initiatives that enhance student employability. She is instrumental in designing and implementing innovative curriculum development strategies that integrate real-world experiences, ensuring that students are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the job market. Dawn's expertise in event planning and management allows her to orchestrate impactful networking events and workshops that connect students with industry leaders, providing invaluable insights and opportunities for professional growth.

Dawn's commitment to student success is evident in her hands-on approach to career coaching, where she leverages her skills in interviewing and social media to equip students with the tools they need to stand out in a competitive landscape. By fostering strong relationships with employers and industry partners, she ensures that Hult students have access to a wealth of resources and job opportunities. Ultimately, Dawn Gallt Watson's vision is to empower students to pursue careers that challenge them, promote personal growth, and bring meaning to their everyday lives, making a lasting impact on their professional journeys.

Dawn Gallt Watson Work
1 experience icon

Head of Careers at Hult International Business School in January 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Manager of Career Development, London at Hult International Business School in January 2018 to December 2019

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Career Developent Advisor, Master of International Marketing + Undergraduate at Hult International Business School in August 2017 to January 2018

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Dawn Gallt Watson Education

Carthage College, Bachelor of Arts

Dawn Gallt Watson Skills


College Recruiting


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About Dawn Gallt Watson's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Dawn Gallt Watson

What is Dawn Gallt Watson email address?

Email Dawn Gallt Watson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dawn Gallt Watson's email found in 2025.

How to contact Dawn Gallt Watson?

To contact Dawn Gallt Watson send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Dawn Gallt Watson work for?

Dawn Gallt Watson works for Hult International Business School

What is Dawn Gallt Watson's role at Hult International Business School?

Dawn Gallt Watson is Head of Careers

What is Dawn Gallt Watson's Phone Number?

Dawn Gallt Watson's phone +44 ** **** *307

What industry does Dawn Gallt Watson work in?

Dawn Gallt Watson works in the Professional Training & Coaching industry.

Dawn Gallt Watson Email Addresses

Email Dawn Gallt Watson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dawn Gallt Watson's email found in 2025.

Dawn Gallt Watson Phone Numbers

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