David Kitnick Email & Phone Number

David Kitnick

Founder & President at Rosewood Homes | Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States

David Kitnick Socials
About David Kitnick

David Kitnick, as the Founder and President of Rosewood Homes, has established himself as a leading figure in the residential construction industry, particularly in the realm of creating exceptional homebuyer experiences. With a remarkable track record of winning the Eliant Homebuyers Choice Award five times for "Best Overall Purchase & Ownership Experience" in America, David's commitment to excellence is evident. These accolades, based on feedback from over 150,000 annual Eliant Surveys, underscore his dedication to not only building quality homes but also ensuring that homeowners feel supported and valued throughout their first year of ownership.

At Rosewood Homes, David spearheads key projects that focus on innovative product development and land acquisition, strategically identifying prime locations that cater to first-time homebuyers and investment properties alike. His expertise in entitlements and commercial real estate allows him to navigate complex regulatory landscapes, ensuring that each project aligns with community needs and sustainable practices. David's hands-on approach to renovation and collaboration with contractors fosters a culture of quality and craftsmanship, which is reflected in the homes Rosewood builds.

In addition to his operational responsibilities, David is passionate about mentoring emerging professionals in the industry, sharing insights on new home sales strategies and location intelligence. His vision for Rosewood Homes extends beyond mere construction; he aims to create vibrant communities where families can thrive. Through his leadership, David Kitnick continues to redefine the standards of homebuilding, making a lasting impact on the industry and the lives of countless homeowners.

David Kitnick Work
1 experience icon

Founder & President at Rosewood Homes in August 2005 to Present

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Founder, Metro Phoenix Division at Ashton Woods Homes in September 2001 to August 2005

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Region President/Division President at Lennar/Greystone Homes/Inco Homes in November 1993 to August 2001

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David Kitnick Education

The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, MBA, January 1984 to January 1986

University of California, Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts - BA

David Kitnick Skills

Residential Homes

Real Estate


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Frequently Asked Questions about David Kitnick

What is David Kitnick email address?

Email David Kitnick at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated David Kitnick's email found in 2025.

How to contact David Kitnick?

To contact David Kitnick send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does David Kitnick work for?

David Kitnick works for Rosewood Homes

What is David Kitnick's role at Rosewood Homes?

David Kitnick is Founder & President

What is David Kitnick's Phone Number?

David Kitnick's phone (602) ***-*387

What industry does David Kitnick work in?

David Kitnick works in the Real Estate industry.

David Kitnick Email Addresses

Email David Kitnick at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated David Kitnick's email found in 2025.

David Kitnick Phone Numbers

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