Darren Johnston Email & Phone Number

Darren Johnston

Vice President Operations at KSI Kitchen & Bath | Detroit Metropolitan Area

Darren Johnston Socials
About Darren Johnston

Darren Johnston serves as the Vice President of Operations at KSI Kitchen & Bath, where he leverages his extensive expertise in supply chain management and logistics to enhance operational efficiency and drive growth within the company. With a proven track record of turning around underperforming operations, Darren has been instrumental in refining KSI's inventory management processes and optimizing major distribution operations. His leadership is characterized by a strategic approach that emphasizes process improvement and customer care, ensuring that KSI not only meets but exceeds client expectations in home design and remodeling.

At KSI, Darren oversees key projects that focus on enhancing the customer experience through streamlined logistics and effective inventory control. By implementing innovative supply chain strategies, he has successfully reduced lead times and improved product availability, allowing the design team to deliver best-in-class solutions for kitchen and bath renovations. His commitment to excellence is reflected in KSI's award-winning reputation, as he fosters a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement among his team.

Darren's expertise in procurement and transportation further strengthens KSI's operational framework, enabling the firm to maintain a competitive edge in the home design industry. His ability to analyze market trends and adapt strategies accordingly has positioned KSI as a leader in creating spaces that resonate with clients. As he continues to drive operational success, Darren remains focused on building a sustainable future for KSI Kitchen & Bath, ensuring that every project reflects the company's dedication to quality and innovation.

Darren Johnston Work
1 experience icon

Vice President Operations at KSI Kitchen & Bath in May 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of Supply Chain at Domino's in August 2021 to May 2022

3 experience icon

Director Of Operations at McKesson in May 2020 to August 2021

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Darren Johnston Education

Detroit Catholic Central, College Prep, January 1987 to January 1991

Eastern Michigan University, Bachelor of Science - BS, January 1991 to January 1997

Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), CPC, ELI-MP, January 2013 to January 2014

Darren Johnston Skills

Supply Chain Management


Inventory Management

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About Darren Johnston's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Darren Johnston

What is Darren Johnston email address?

Email Darren Johnston at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Darren Johnston's email found in 2025.

What is Darren Johnston phone number?

Darren Johnston phone number is (248) 939-1356 and 2485735500.

How to contact Darren Johnston?

To contact Darren Johnston send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Darren Johnston try calling on (248) 939-1356 and 2485735500.

What company does Darren Johnston work for?

Darren Johnston works for KSI Kitchen & Bath

What is Darren Johnston's role at KSI Kitchen & Bath?

Darren Johnston is Vice President Operations

What industry does Darren Johnston work in?

Darren Johnston works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.

Darren Johnston Email Addresses

Email Darren Johnston at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Darren Johnston's email found in 2025.

Darren Johnston Phone Numbers

Darren Johnston phone number is (248) 939-1356 and 2485735500.
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