Christina Diener Email & Phone Number

Christina Diener

Director, Marketing Partnerships, Sales, and Digital Marketing at The Walt Disney Studios | Los Angeles, California, United States

Christina Diener Socials
About Christina Diener

Christina Diener is a dynamic marketing leader at The Walt Disney Studios, where she serves as the Director of Marketing Partnerships, Sales, and Digital Marketing. In this pivotal role, Christina is responsible for developing, managing, and negotiating strategic global marketing partnerships across a diverse portfolio that includes Disney Live Action, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar, Lucasfilm, 20th Century, and Disney+ film properties. Her expertise lies in crafting innovative digital marketing strategies that not only enhance brand visibility but also drive engagement across multiple platforms.

Christina’s current projects exemplify her commitment to integrated marketing and global promotional partnerships. She leads strategic planning for key promotional categories, identifying and collaborating with new and innovative brands that amplify Disney’s storytelling and resonate with audiences worldwide. Her keen attention to detail and strategic mindset enable her to oversee digital marketing activations that maximize the impact of promotional partnerships, ensuring that each campaign aligns with Disney's core values and objectives.

With a robust background in business development and product development, Christina leverages her skills in project management and web analytics to create compelling marketing initiatives that foster brand loyalty and drive revenue growth. Her passion for social responsibility is evident in her approach to marketing, as she seeks partnerships that not only elevate the Disney brand but also contribute positively to the community. As a seasoned professional in the entertainment industry, Christina Diener continues to push the boundaries of marketing excellence, making a significant impact at The Walt Disney Studios and beyond.

Christina Diener Work
1 experience icon

Director, Marketing Partnerships, Sales, and Digital Marketing at The Walt Disney Studios in June 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Manager, Digital Marketing at The Walt Disney Studios in April 2018 to June 2021

3 experience icon

Manager, Global Digital Marketing Partnerships & Promotions at The Walt Disney Studios in September 2016 to April 2018

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Christina Diener Skills

Partner Relationship Management

Creative Strategy

Sales Prospecting

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About Christina Diener's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Christina Diener

What is Christina Diener email address?

Email Christina Diener at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Christina Diener's email found in 2025.

How to contact Christina Diener?

To contact Christina Diener send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. (updated on April 07, 2024)

What company does Christina Diener work for?

Christina Diener works for The Walt Disney Studios

What is Christina Diener's role at The Walt Disney Studios?

Christina Diener is Director, Marketing Partnerships, Sales, and Digital Marketing

What is Christina Diener's Phone Number?

Christina Diener's phone (213) ***-*267

What industry does Christina Diener work in?

Christina Diener works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Christina Diener Email Addresses

Email Christina Diener at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Christina Diener's email found in 2025.

Christina Diener Phone Numbers

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