Christa Campbell Email & Phone Number

Christa Campbell

Director | Industry Solutions: Water at Esri | Redlands, California, United States

Christa Campbell Socials
About Christa Campbell

As the Director of Industry Solutions for Water at Esri, Christa Campbell leverages her two decades of experience in the water sector to drive innovation and strategic planning. Her expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is pivotal in addressing the complex challenges faced by water utilities and organizations worldwide. Christa is recognized for her thought leadership, where she not only advocates for the integration of GIS technology but also actively collaborates with stakeholders to implement effective solutions.

Currently, she oversees the management of significant budgets and complex programs, ensuring that strategic initiatives align with the evolving needs of the water industry. Her role involves the supervision of projects that utilize advanced spatial analysis and data management techniques, enhancing the operational efficiency of water systems. By harnessing tools such as ArcGIS Server and Geodatabase, Christa empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions that improve service delivery and sustainability.

Christa’s commitment to lifelong learning and collaboration positions her as a trusted advisor in the field. She actively engages with industry professionals to share insights and best practices, fostering a community of innovation around water management. Her strategic thinking and ability to build successful partnerships have made her a key figure in advancing the application of GIS technology, ultimately contributing to the resilience and efficiency of global water resources. Through her leadership, Christa continues to shape the future of water management, ensuring that technology serves as a catalyst for positive change in the industry.

Christa Campbell Work
1 experience icon

Director | Industry Solutions: Water at Esri in May 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Global Water Specialist (Industry Solutions) at Esri in October 2013 to May 2021

3 experience icon

Water Coordinator (Industry Solutions) at Esri in December 2010 to October 2013

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Christa Campbell Education

California State University, Fullerton, MA, January 2004 to January 2007

California State University-San Bernardino, BA, January 1990 to January 1995

California State University-San Bernardino, BA, January 1990 to January 1995

Christa Campbell Skills




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About Christa Campbell's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Christa Campbell

What is Christa Campbell email address?

Email Christa Campbell at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Christa Campbell's email found in 2025.

How to contact Christa Campbell?

To contact Christa Campbell send an email at [email protected].

What company does Christa Campbell work for?

Christa Campbell works for Esri

What is Christa Campbell's role at Esri?

Christa Campbell is Director | Industry Solutions: Water

What is Christa Campbell's Phone Number?

Christa Campbell's phone (213) ***-*375

What industry does Christa Campbell work in?

Christa Campbell works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Christa Campbell Email Addresses

Email Christa Campbell at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Christa Campbell's email found in 2025.

Christa Campbell Phone Numbers

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