Carrie Schniepp Email & Phone Number

Carrie Schniepp

Sr Director of Strategy & Business Development at Northrop Grumman | Washington DC-Baltimore Area

Carrie Schniepp Socials
About Carrie Schniepp

Carrie Schniepp serves as the Senior Director of Strategy & Business Development at Northrop Grumman's Space Systems Sector, where she leverages her extensive 22-year background in the Aerospace & Defense industry to drive strategic initiatives and foster growth. In her current role, Carrie is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of government and commercial customers. Her expertise spans a wide array of disciplines, including business development, program management, and systems engineering, allowing her to effectively lead multi-disciplined teams in delivering complex payload and ground systems.

Under Carrie's leadership, key projects have focused on enhancing satellite capabilities and advancing ground system integration, ensuring that Northrop Grumman remains a leader in space technology. She is known for her ability to establish a clear vision and execute strategies that align with both corporate objectives and customer requirements. Carrie's commitment to excellence is further demonstrated through her adept management of engineering teams, where she emphasizes collaboration and innovation to overcome technical challenges.

With a strong foundation in project management and a deep understanding of Department of Defense (DoD) operations, Carrie excels in navigating the intricacies of security clearance processes and compliance requirements. Her customer-centric approach ensures that Northrop Grumman not only meets but exceeds expectations, solidifying long-term partnerships within the industry. As she continues to shape the future of space systems, Carrie remains dedicated to fostering a culture of leadership and engineering excellence, driving the next generation of aerospace advancements.

Carrie Schniepp Work
1 experience icon

Sr Director of Strategy & Business Development at Northrop Grumman in May 2023 to Present

2 experience icon

Sr Director of Strategy at Northrop Grumman in February 2023 to May 2023

3 experience icon

Sr Director of Strategy at Northrop Grumman in October 2021 to January 2023

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Carrie Schniepp Skills



Systems Engineering

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About Carrie Schniepp's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Carrie Schniepp

What is Carrie Schniepp email address?

Email Carrie Schniepp at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Carrie Schniepp's email found in 2025.

How to contact Carrie Schniepp?

To contact Carrie Schniepp send an email to [email protected].

What company does Carrie Schniepp work for?

Carrie Schniepp works for Northrop Grumman

What is Carrie Schniepp's role at Northrop Grumman?

Carrie Schniepp is Sr Director of Strategy & Business Development

What is Carrie Schniepp's Phone Number?

Carrie Schniepp's phone (206) ***-*288

What industry does Carrie Schniepp work in?

Carrie Schniepp works in the Defense & Space industry.

Carrie Schniepp Email Addresses

Email Carrie Schniepp at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Carrie Schniepp's email found in 2025.

Carrie Schniepp Phone Numbers

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