Carlos Gonzalez Email & Phone Number

Carlos Gonzalez

Owner + Partner at Tyrannosaurus Tech | Atlanta Metropolitan Area

Carlos Gonzalez Socials
About Carlos Gonzalez

Carlos L. Gonzalez is a seasoned technologist and strategic business owner with over 15 years of experience in innovating and scaling technology products and services. As the Owner and Partner at Tyrannosaurus Tech, a development shop based in Atlanta, GA, Carlos leverages his extensive background to lead a talented team in creating impactful web and mobile applications. His approach is characterized by a commitment to transparency and collaboration, ensuring that clients are not only informed but actively engaged throughout the development process.

At Tyrannosaurus Tech, Carlos spearheads key projects that range from custom software solutions for startups to complex applications for established enterprises. His expertise in Ruby on Rails and RESTful web services allows him to streamline development workflows and enhance product scalability. Carlos is particularly adept at humanizing the development process, breaking down intricate technical concepts into digestible insights for clients, which fosters trust and clarity.

In addition to his technical acumen, Carlos is skilled in marketing strategy and new business setup, enabling him to effectively position Tyrannosaurus Tech in a competitive landscape. His experience with renowned organizations such as Mailchimp, AT&T, and Deloitte has equipped him with a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and business strategy. As a leader, he excels at building and guiding cross-functional global teams, ensuring that diverse talents come together to deliver exceptional results. Carlos’s passion for technology and entrepreneurship drives him to continuously seek innovative solutions that not only meet client needs but also push the boundaries of what’s possible in the tech industry.

Carlos Gonzalez Work
1 experience icon

Owner + Partner at Tyrannosaurus Tech in May 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

Advisory Board Member at TechHire ATL in January 2017 to Present

3 experience icon

Lead Engineer at Reboot Consulting in August 2011 to May 2016

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Carlos Gonzalez Skills

Web Development


Ruby on Rails

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About Carlos Gonzalez's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Carlos Gonzalez

What is Carlos L Gonzalez email address?

Email Carlos L Gonzalez at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Carlos L Gonzalez's email found in 2025.

How to contact Carlos L Gonzalez?

To contact Carlos L Gonzalez send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Carlos Gonzalez work for?

Carlos Gonzalez works for Tyrannosaurus Tech

What is Carlos Gonzalez's role at Tyrannosaurus Tech?

Carlos Gonzalez is Owner + Partner

What is Carlos Gonzalez's Phone Number?

Carlos Gonzalez's phone (**) *** *** 160

What industry does Carlos Gonzalez work in?

Carlos Gonzalez works in the Computer Software industry.

Carlos Gonzalez Email Addresses

Carlos Gonzalez Phone Numbers

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